When flying(most of the time offline) sometimes I need some music too, somehow I dll'd Packs too. But if listening I keep playing them in my foobar2000 Player. It's not that resource hungry, very reliable for people with huge audio archives). I tried the ingame inflight music option, it was not that satisfactory. I have several playlists, chilling, or pushing, or even heroic while flying Yak-3's I like to listen to real soviet orchestra, or Iron Maiden while on Freie Jagd. It's good mood. I listened music in stock IL-2 to not hear the awfull sounds in cockpit, monotone and unreal. Since I use UP and all the nice Mods here I enjoy listening the vibe, one can enjoy a good Merlin or Jumo, and it's pleasure to listen all the tiny stuff. Can I say that the Mods turn IL-2 into sth. very eye-candy, playable and fun to use? I can't imagine playing without Mods any longer, I can't imagine how I could dare so long without.
I don't know, last year I dll'd a lot of music, must have a look, I'm sure I have it too on my HD somewhere....
The BigBand stuff, I remember, my mum was curious about it, I had to burn it on CD for her, she's a Glenn Miller fanatic. Used to play it while flying PTO campaigns, Thanks mate for bringing back to memory