I cannot guarantee results for vehicles that are not WWII.
I deleted them!
Only WWII Gabriel.

Okay I got everything to load up finally without a CTD.

As far as the weapon files from SAS~Epervier go, in my 4.12 with SAS ModAct 5.30, the Strumtiger makes a big bang.

So, for all those having the same issues as me, once you add the SAS~Epervier fix please add the section in Red to the technics entry for the M577 and let me know if things then load for you:
Description USA's M577 Command Vehcile
Icon fieldgun // used for 'stacionar' tank only
// Models
MeshSummer 3do/Tanks/M577/hier.him
// Panzer
PanzerType Tank
PanzerSubtype 2
PanzerBodyFront 0.006
// Weapon
Gun MachineGunM2HB
NumShells 700
AttackMaxDistance 800.0
AttackMaxRadius 800.0
AttackMaxHeight 2200.0
HeadYawHalfRange 180.0
GunMinPitch -10.0
GunStdPitch 0.0
GunMaxPitch +89.0
HeadMaxYawSpeed 60.0 // ??
GunMaxPitchSpeed 60.0 // ??
DelayAfterShoot 2.1
ChainfireTime 6.0
FastTargetsAngleError 2.0
FireFastTargets 1// Moving
SoundMove models.Tank
StayWhenFire 0
SpeedAverage 20.0
SpeedMax 30.0
SpeedBack 5.0
RotSpeedMax 40.0 // ??
RotInvisAng 38.0
BestSpace 14.0
AfterCollisionDist 5.5
CommandInterval 1.6
StayInterval 1.5
This allowed me to load and test so I assume because the vehicle actually uses a head and gun part in its construction this was the speed issue the log was saying it could not find, it was searching for the turret.
Here we are in game:

I have a issue with the stationary for the SdKfz251_2, it can be placed on the map in FMB but is not there once the mission loads.
Note: The issue above for the SdKfz251_2 only applies to the Artillery version, the static object is okay.
The folder only has a gun mesh, no head, maybe there is the issue, not sure.That vehicle will also need some alteration as it rides slightly below the surface of the terrain.
Thank you very much again to Gabriel for the weapon fix, not only is he the 4.09 Guardian Angel it seems.

Please test and report back.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.