Hello Mark, after what seems to have been forever I finally got this gorgeous map to save.
It was not the church object after all but a farmer.
Seems I did not have this in the right place and only found out because it showed up in the log, not the checker:
Title civilian_farmer1
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/Troops/Civilian/civilian_farmer1/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/addobjects/Human_01/dead.sim
AlignToLand 0
Body FuelSmall
Panzer 0.005
I set it up as so and all was well:
Title civilian_farmer1
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/Civilian/civilian_farmer1/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/addobjects/Human_01/dead.sim
AlignToLand 0
Body WoodSmall
Panzer 0.005
I had a set of repaints from Max that has the first entry, as does a pack from you of missing objects for the map, I borrowed the object and put it in a folder of its own and changed to the second entry, now its okay and saves.
This in my 4.12.2 ModAct 5.30 install.
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.