Fixed: Hanger object removed that prevented BAT to save missions. The link stays the same.
This is a version of the Desert Online map with roads made of road plates. I only changed the map_h.tga, the map_t.tga and of course the actors.static. So to install just overwrite these files in an existing Desert map folder (after saving the originals, of course) or add the downloaded Desert folder in BAT into a Mapmods/Maps folder.

You may download it here: made this as a kind of Real World Test for the plate road system. Clicking the 275 km of roads was done in half an hour. The original roads i removed with the map_tRoadAndTownExtractor.
At even or quite even areas with low height differences no or nearly no rework was needed with the plates. But the fun was over when meeting areas with steep hangs and much height differences. The heightAdopter works quite crude here and a lot of corrections with the map builders height tool was needed. The plates also showed gaps, because the distance over a hang is larger then its projection onto the ground. Plates hanging over the next deeper height triangal where also a problem. It's feasable but needs a lot of selecting and shifting plates.
Where the plates meet the edge of a height triangle, a little gap remain. These can't be closed.
But it works and clearly is an improvemend at last for maps or landscapes without the need of roads in remarkably mountainous areas. It's also possible to lay the roads around hills or mountains.
Novekat Dec. 18