since I like to trash those airfields myself from time to time, I don't like the idea of increasing AAA (skill) to much. Hell, for a mud mover they are challenging enough already ...
Then again my targets are not so much the rolling planes, but the defences themselves.
If I strafe planes, then only AI and (mostly) because of the fact that I have no chance against them once they took off .. If there's a player around it's time to gtfo for me anyways

That being said, I think making player AC invulnerable for the take-off sounds like the best idea to me.
Patch 3.005 effectively killed our Server.
3 times in a row not, it crashed right when the 1st player spawns, see report here:
Maybe a problem with the mission?
The last times I've been flying (on 3.004) the overload message kept popping up (I would definitely vote for removing the traps now).
Another thought: Maybe it has to do with spawning of planes on the beginning of the mission? Did anything change there in the notation with the new patch? I mean, the MissionEditor for example cannot open old missions with existing .msnbin file again

If we're lucky it might be enough to open the Mission in ME and resave it ...