Having some strange things happen with the MediaFire link for VSM 5.0 patch 5.4.2. My Win 8.1, IE V11, Smart Screen filter will not allow a dl of said patch. All others including VSM 5.0 dl fine. But 5.4.2 sets off a smartscreen filter alarm and refuses to dl. Tried multiple times and get a SmartScreen refusal (anti-viral or unsafe, or had a hiccup).
UPDATE: Well so I tried one more time before I was going to give up and bingo! No smartscreen filter warning, 5.4.2, downloaded just fine, I've scanned it multiple times for virus and malware in the zip and nada.
I tell ya, there's something strange going on with MediaFire. Well, maybe someone is hijacking and redirecting the links. But it seems to me the harassment pages or redirects follow the same routine as the MediaFire ad pop-ups. So it's like the issue "is" with MediaFire. I either get one or the other, an ad or a harassment page but not both at the same time. All manner of non-sense. I guess what one can get out of this is to just be aware of mediafire dl's and potential redirects asking you to dl something else or worse, and use ctl-alt-del, task mgr, end task, to end the harassment pop-up/redirect pages. Never a good idea to "click" on anything on a spam page as it might trigger an unwanted download. Just do an immediate kill of the link through task manager.
Not sure what is up with Mediafire but it has gotten far worse in the last few months. Not just SAS links, but links across the board for lots of game related mod dl's. None of these fake pages or redirects have resulted in anything beyond just being a nuisance thankfully, and all file contents have been just fine.