I can't say at this moment where the Spit might figure into future plans. So much to do!
This is why I pine for more modders to exert effort on improving the *core* game content. To me, far more important are good cockpits than are slick external models which you don't normally see well enough from the 'pit to warrant such refinement. Save the less crucial niceties for later, after fixing that stuff you *do* see up close and all the time. Well, if it's to be a player's sim and not a movie maker's platform.
And by *core*, I mean WWII principally. It's wonderful the expansion into older and more recent eras that has occurred, greatly expanding the game so as to appeal to a wider range of interest. But for me this shouldn't come at the price of neglecting the foundational concept and content--The Big One, WWII.
We see truly awesome jet cockpits, for example, being built these days. Which makes all the sadder the acceptance of those earlier 'pits from the game's glory days to continue to languish in their original, crude simplicity. The basic work is done. And in general things have been improved via the application of 'lipstick' to these old sows. But with some 3-D tweaks--and not necessarily to particularly great extent--they can be brought up to a rather more pleasing standard.