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Author Topic: Segfej's Skinpack & Template Pack  (Read 7080 times)

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Re: Segfej's Skinpack & Template Pack
« Reply #24 on: November 19, 2018, 07:06:49 PM »

Thank you, mate!

Downloading everything!  8)  ;)


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Re: Segfej's Skinpack & Template Pack
« Reply #25 on: November 20, 2018, 06:49:23 AM »

Hi Tobias, Regarding my question , I meant the Dreamk's weapon package ,
not important, I would just like to say that your Tarpon Pack will be a real treat for fans of sea hunting.
Best regards,


  • Flying Ass Clown #10
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Re: Segfej's Skinpack & Template Pack
« Reply #26 on: November 20, 2018, 02:36:59 PM »

Ahh Ok. Now I got it.
The plan is, Yes...
DreamK's ordonance is a must.
I'm playing around a bit. I first need to build a stable working base for the Mk.I.
TBF-1 or TBM-1 as a base isn't decided.

The Mark II encounters up to 100 loadouts,
expect the proposed Mark I having a bit less, logically.
Best wishes
Wiseman : "Did you speak the exact words?" Ash : "Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah."


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Re: Segfej's Skinpack & Template Pack
« Reply #27 on: November 20, 2018, 02:52:23 PM »

Thank you for the current information and explanations 8), I wish you lucky with the project.
Best regards,


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Re: Segfej's Skinpack & Template Pack
« Reply #28 on: November 20, 2018, 02:59:15 PM »

Many THX in advance, Tobias, looks like X'Mas comes sooner this year ...!  :P


  • Flying Ass Clown #10
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Re: Segfej's Skinpack & Template Pack
« Reply #29 on: November 20, 2018, 03:21:53 PM »

The Mark II now has our standin Avenger Bombardier Position added.
Finished today in my sparetime, along with the Skinpack.

The Bombardier addition builds the base for understanding and building it up.

Loadouts 90% completely new, as you can go straight Torpedoing with DreamK's nice sticks,
or try the ASW role in it's new shape with a combination of Rockets and Depthcharge/Bombs.
Straight Bombing with historical loads or Mine laying, try Fidos or Tiny Tims, go nail someone with
Daisy Cutters or littering a plethora of Clusters. All this not just frankly for the onesided, but as intended
by US/British bombhood.

As for the Mark I, I can begin after my holidays, as I'm working on freetime till early
December and have not much time left.
Plastering Walls, tapestry, painting and building up my parents kitchen.

Best Wishes
Wiseman : "Did you speak the exact words?" Ash : "Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah."


  • Flying Ass Clown #10
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Re: Segfej's Skinpack & Template Pack
« Reply #30 on: November 22, 2018, 01:06:00 PM »

I present you a very old Request of Mine. If my memory takes it right,
I posted this Request before Anto released the 2.0 version of his Me262 Ultimate Pack.
Back in time we discussed new loadouts. Someone, I dunno who, dropped in for Single
bomb loadouts. I found a cool idea, as it was historical. My part of the job in the discussion
was to gather evidence for the Me262 A-1a Jabo variant.
This was somewhat in late 2010. It's 8 years and I present you my findings.
I didn't gave up that topic and dugged the literature, archives and web for this.

First in my upgraded Me262s Skinpacks you'll find traces of my long research for it.
I marked those that I was able to double locate via Archive and pictorial evidence.
 I could trace more examples actually depicted than I was owed to find,
but surprised how many exactly must have existed.
a suspicious Jabo Variant, that was not matching A-1a or A-2a Variant as
of armament specs. Now that it goes with a row of historical photos.

Code: [Select]
What we know that the Term Me262 A1-1a/Jabo is first mentioned in the 3rd Production Block.
Very early!!! It's existence spanned from Summer 1944 until the last Days when US troops captured whole lines of completed examples. Referr to the Pictures then

 Commissionen und Werknummern Me 262, Messerschmitt A.G., Augsburg


130166 to 130185 Known Production Block
170036 to 170053 Known Production Block
170054 to 170073 Known Production Block
170288 to 170312 Known Production Block

Yes, in the official Serial Log Reports.
Now whats interesting the Jabo popup as early as the A-2a at it's peak of production,
but since we know A-2a was built in limited numbers (only a handfull of Pics), it is interresting that
even according to Augsburg A-2a appeared in far more numbers
than allowed, as late as April 45???.  If production was officially halted early on, why does it not
stop appearing in Block lists?
Later when KG(J)54 were on double duty,
not just groundpounding, but also relegated to
Bomber Interception, they even retrofitted A-2a's, as
did other units too. The A-2a was too weak with it's 2 Mk108,
and only 4xMk108 sufficent for the Interception role.

One conclusion is possible, that subsidiaries carried on to use
A-2a designation when the Fighters where to be ordered. Such Hickhack was not unusual,
simply referr to the official RLM regulations of Colours and how
it turned out to be in practise.
Lagestandsmeldungen sometimes recalled Silber, Me 262, if not specific
at the Type. Sometimes from Ultra deciphered it seems they sometimes
didn't even cared to give the Type, just a Werkenummer.
US Troops captured at least 2 Productionlines that showed Jabos in their last stages of building
in numbers I didn't knew myself.

Dan O'Connell gives insight in his Me262 Production Log 1941-1945
with Pictures showing this Subvariant.
This author misses some too, as the superp Quality photographs indicate.
Not a joke, he claims with Bombrack fitted A-1as as A-1a!!!

A Me262 Jabo is comprising of factory fitted 4 MK108 cannons and Bombracks.
Before the starting of production Trials where done testing the A-1a to fit Bombracks,
it proved to be outliving the A-2a by numbers from Photographs we had.
Most famous early A-2a by factory is 9K+YH, with modified gunpanel,
so no field Mod wooden Block Mod Type.
In the last stage of their Service these Jabos can be found in
JG7, JV44, the various Ad-hoc Units from The KG(J) Boys.
Of course pictures exist showing the gunpanels open with 4 MK108 and Racks installed.
The finest example is Fays 711 showing this installation with Serial allocation
on Bombracks, which can be seen on numerous other 262 Jabos
captured i.e. by US Troops.

Leipheim & Rechlin/Tarnewitz E-Stellen Loadouts, the WfrGranate 21 as for JG7 Stab, R4M installation,
as well as completely new the Single bomb Installation which was widely used in combat from
early to late.

The dedicated Skins have been skinned in accordance, what means that their
cannon housing showed 4 cannon labels, not 2 as of A-2a.

Faireytale Me262? Not really, look at Australian stuffed "Black X"  9K+XK 500200
at it's Fassberg stage and report about Armament...

Here are early examples from the above listed Production Blocks:

Here are examples found at the end of the War in Waldwerke or abbandoned (Neuburg based and ex JV44 Brandenburg):

Here are two famous examples:

Why did they stamp such things A-2, when it was 4 Cannons and 2 Racks?

Happy Flying
Wiseman : "Did you speak the exact words?" Ash : "Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah."
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