Hi All,
I am using DCG for many years and for flying campaigns with realistic settings (map without icons, only with flight waypoints) I am doing some modifications to the *.mis files that could be interesting for you.
For realistic atmosphere I want to get all informations about enemy units by radio Messages or additional by subtitle by the Command and Control Units.
-Campaigns historical correct with Radar (e.g. ww2 western front 1941-45):
1) some CandC$GCIUnit and CandC$RCGCIUnit to be placed on airfields to get informations. Number depends on map size and if there are static or moving front lines.
2) If there are to many missions without enemy contact I place for each side CandC$VectorUnits
-Campaigns historical correct without Radar (e.g. ww2 battle of France40 or Smolensk41):
1) Use of CandC$OBSUnits:
I place very many CandC$OBSUnits on the map, sometimes one on each 10km x 10km grid square. This has no negative effect on the Computer Performance.
When DCG generates a Mission it places all CandC$OBSUnits that are in the own territory. If the front moves Forward in the next mission additional CandC$OBSUnits are used.
These CandC$OBSUnits Units provide you with informations about enemy planes via subtitles, but only in areas controlled by own units
I used this for france40, smolensk41 and it works without Problems.
2) If there are to many missions without enemy contact I place for each side CandC$VectorUnits
-Addional AA-Units for more Action in Areas without moving ground Units:
In many DCG campaigns with moving front lines the ground war action is concentrated on some defined routes. Near these routes there are normally some static Units placed, but on big Areas of the maps there is nothing and you can fly over enemy Held territorty without enemy AA defence.
To get more Action in these empty Areas I am placing very many blue and red AA-Guns over the whole map (maybe about 1 in 10km x 10m).
To avoid to influence the moving ground units I keep some distance to the routes defined in the *rds files.
This creates some additional atmosphere in the campaign because there is always some chance to be engaged by some enemy AA-Guns.
To avoid negative effect on Computer Performance I use only 1 or 2 different type of guns for each side.
I used this in some campaigns and there seems to be no negative effect on the ground war.
Best regards