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Author Topic: 4.13.4 No Gear Shake  (Read 594 times)

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4.13.4 No Gear Shake
« on: January 22, 2018, 07:23:52 AM »

Hello, Ive recently gone from 4.12.2 with vp modpact to 413.4 with sas modact 6.40. Ive been trying to find a no gear shake mod that works with this configuration with no luck. From what I understand this was included with sas eng mod. Tried several versions of this with no luck, ctd every time. Tried to find just the gear mod inside sas eng mod which took forever with no luck. If any one knows of a stand alone no gear shake mod that works with 4.13.4 or any other way to get rid of gear shake I would be extremely grateful. Did find some links to older gear shake mods but all dead. Thought I might be able to figure this out on my own but not getting anywhere. Thank you Jeff3244.
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