Excellent work as always Mstislav, you have a real talent to pass on to that class of yours.
I have a copy of the Stalker game but it is old and I do not know if it will play on the machine I have, I might find it and give it a try.

On the machine I originally had when I bought that game it continually became a slide show and was virtually unplayable so I removed
it at the time and put it in a cupboard somewhere. Another I always wanted to play was I think called Metro, something like that, just
never got around to buying it, I love those futuristic titles with all kinds of weird things going on.
I have many plastic kits in cupboards now, been there for years, I lack the interest now due to the pain I have, a real shame as it was
a pastime I really enjoyed once.
Hope your health is improving, I have not seen you on the forums for a long time so was afraid you might not be well enough to build
anymore, however, the work above shows you are getting by somehow.
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.