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Old game, new life.
« on: October 08, 2017, 11:13:49 AM »

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Greetings to all lovers of the old, kind, classic Il-2 Sturmovik.
This topic I want to sum up my long work on some improvement in the game and the subsequent "departure from mods."

First of all, it is absolutely necessary to express a huge gratitude to the firm 1 With Maddox Games
as the creators of the Il-2 Sturmovik game and personally to the head of Oleg Medox.

Undoubtedly, we should separately thank the team of Daidalos Team (DT) for the fact that they picked up in due time
the initiative to release free patches for the game, extending the life of the Il-2 Sturmovik.
Thanks to them, it is still possible to see the new content of the game.
And young people and all aviation enthusiasts, history
join the events of those heroic and difficult for our country days.

Undoubtedly since the release of the game in the light and to this day, this flight simulator of combat aviation
The Second World War remains a kind of reference point in the creation of flight simulators.
Especially since this game is from the Russian manufacturer, bearing the name of the legendary Il-2 attack aircraft.
And now this game reminds the younger generation of the exploits of the peoples of the USSR in the struggle
with the German fascist invaders.
What is very important in connection with the difficult situation in the world and the attempts of some countries to reconsider,
"replay" the results of the Second World War and downplay the role of the USSR and its population in the victory over fascism.

So, let's begin:
Since in the yard of 2017 and the game industry has moved far ahead compared to 2001
exit IL-2 Sturmovik and I tried to improve the visual part of the game somewhat.

The game improvements described below are said to be "shipped as is".
They are not "official"
Use only at the discretion of the user.
Using these modifications, the user assumes responsibility for the use
these additions to the game.

Namely, what is presented in this package is BETA and this will remain:

1. Modified graphics DLL games with the ability to use textures 4096 × 4096 pixels
   TGA format for aircraft, maps and other objects in the game.
2. In new DLLs it is possible to use single meshes up to 12,000 polygons per mesh.
   But for a guarantee, it's better to target 10,000 polygons per mesh when creating 3d models.
   It seems to work and 12 000 but vsezh ...
   The meshes themselves as before can be no more than 255 pieces for the whole model of the aircraft
   Ie 255 pieces for the extras and 255 for the cockpit.
3. Below you will see a flight plane flying in version 4 09m. In principle,
   There are about 120,000 ... 130,000 polygon parameters for the external model and the same for
   cockpit model of the aircraft. All this concerns those wishing to introduce into the game other high-poly model aircraft.

    DLL-4096 should work in any version of the game no less than 4 09M.

Performance was checked exclusively on NVIDIA graphics cards. On ATI video cards
working capacity is not known. Can work, maybe not.

Now about the pleasant bonus to the DLL-4096 itself in the form of the Russian Yak-55M airplane
, it also carries the character of the BETA version.

First of all I want to express my gratitude to the following moderators and amateurs of IL-2 for their
help tips at the right time.

Sita (Nikita) - help, advice on textures and 3D
Molva (Oleg) - help, advice on 3D
QTim   -   Gave the opportunity to apply the modification of the game
Y2 (Roman) - help, advice on Java.
MARAZ - the creator of a wonderful plug-in for exporting the model to the game.
NB79 - the creator of a wonderful viewer of ready models in the game.
HunInTheSun - creator of AHS Mod Fw-190 Bf-109 removal of holes in the wings.

1. First of all, I want to apologize to the authors of the 3D model of this aircraft for using their beautiful
   work without agreement with them. But God knows I did not seek to extract commercial benefits and did not intend to
   Assign the laurels of the creator of the 3D model. Just wanted to show the possibility of using NOW like
   models in IL-2, as well as attract young people who tried this aircraft in the game to the history of aviation in general
    and to emphasize the fact that the Russian engineers have created a beautiful aerobatic aircraft Yak-55M.

   The creators of the model and textures are the firm A1R Design Bureau http://www.a1r-db.com

   The model, aircraft textures are a clear example of professionalism.
   Having looked at many models from different manufacturers, I think at the moment it is
   the best company manufacturer of aircraft for flight simulators. Therefore, all who use
   flight simulators MSFX or P3D, I recommend buying airplanes from the above firm
   for obtaining the maximum "immersion in flight"

2. The aircraft was manually operated and adapted to the version of the game 4 09M. But if desired, anyone can adapt
   necessary classes for any version. 3D aircraft should work in any version of the game.

3. For flights on the plane, the DiffFM 4 09M
   For example, here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,3988.0.html

4. Attention !!! Texturing of the external model is produced with two textures 4096, ie classical
   for IL-2 texturing schemes with a single skin1o.tga texture are not here. Accordingly, u
   There are no superimposed damages (holes) from skin1o.

5. I have long started experiments with the second layers of airplane texturing and the application of additional
   layers of textures as a substitute for bump mapping (by simple relief texturing)
   Here is the topic http://forum.aviaskins.com/showthread.php?t=3978

6. This aircraft includes additional layers of texturing of the external model for manifestation
   some parts on the case. Who does not like it, he can blow away all the relevant additional
   records in the MAT files of the external model of the aircraft and the aircraft will perfectly continue to fly without them.

7. This airplane package includes two variants of the aircraft. One with a standard double-bladed propeller,
   the second with a three-bladed propeller. To distinguish them lego, in the title at the end there is a supplement of the form 2blade or 3blade.
   In other respects, the aircraft are completely identical.

8. Flight Model (FM) is used from the default SU-26M2 (SU_26M2) which is available in the standard version of the game 4 09M,
   but was not introduced into the game fully.

9. Attention !!! In the cockpit of the aircraft only the main instruments are animated, the cockpit lantern (shifts) and
   airplane control knob.

10. The aircraft is based on the default classes of the Yak-3 aircraft.
    The plane is armed with two guns. The sight is activated with a standard combination of "sight obscuration" Ctrl + D
    This is done, for those wishing to fly and to war on this plane with an airplane.
    Collisions of damage to the main external surfaces are available, the aircraft is crashed,
    burns and so on.
    Is it like the other planes in the game this is the second question.
    So, there are two night lights in the cockpit by the combination of the buttons Ctrl + L.
    Collisions damage to any cravings, tanks and stuff no.

11. Anyone who does not like the use of additional texturing layers on the plane can
   delete the corresponding entries in 2pcs of MAT files and the aircraft will continue to fly without them.

In the plane (external model) as I already wrote above used the second texturing.
Made by the way of combining the textures of relief texturing applied in the original to the aircraft
and created additional textures based on the textures of the external model.
I enclose the video as I created these textures for work in the IL-2.
Attention!! All the methods described in the video are recommendatory in nature and subject to change,
customize it to the user.

Here is my way of creating textures based on textures of an external model from available diffuse textures
for the external model.
Here's a video of how it all happened.
Attention!! All the methods described in the video are recommendatory in nature and subject to change,
customize it to the user.

here is a way of using only the textures attached in the original to the aircraft
relief texturing.

Attention !!
Do not use this aircraft with the old version of DLL-4096
There are a lot of polygons in this plane.
It will work very badly in the old version of DLL-4096.
Use the DLL-4096-2017.

This aircraft has a modified CockpitPilot class.
Inserted code from AHS Mod Fw-190 Bf-109.
But it will work without it, just there will be holes in the wings

INSTALLATION of the aircraft Yak-55M and DLL-4096-2017:

1. Prepare a clean modified version of the game 4 09M.

2. Copy the file YAK_55M.SFS to the root of the game.

3. Copy all files from the MODS folder to your MODS folder

4. If you are using another RC file, add the lines "@sfs MOUNT YAK_55M.SFS" to your RC file

5. Set the MODS folder to DiffFM 4 09

6. If you use your air.ini file to add to your file

   YAK_55M_2blade air.YAK_55M_2blade 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
   YAK_55M_3blade air.YAK_55M_3blade 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER

7. From the folder DLL-4096 copy all the files to the root folder of the game.

8. If the user wishes to use the classical scheme, then he can download
   below all the full files for the MODS folder.

Known Issues:

In the cockpit of the plane there are two light sources that mimic night lighting.
There are no night textures of devices.
When you turn on these night lights, textures disappear and errors appear in the game log.
This only happens when using additional specular layers.
If you use a plane without specular textures, there are no errors.
Perhaps you need to make the night textures of instruments, and remove the light source

Everyone can create additional textures for specular and in the cockpit. The principles of creating textures are exactly the same as for the external model.

Download DLL-4096-2017year:

Download Yak-55M airplane with SFS archive:

Download the Yak-55M without the SFS archive in the classical form:

This patch fixes a leak in the FM bug that caused the plane to jump on the rear (tail) wheel.
Unzip the folder with the plane.

Download:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/rcrxk6fhshw2sf9/PATCH_FM_YAK_55M.rar/file




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Re: Old game, new life.
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2017, 01:15:38 PM »

Wow... This is fantastic news carsmaster!

 I was hoping for something like this to come along someday but never expected it to be this soon. This will indeed breathe new life into our beloved IL-2 1946 and take it to the next level of realism.
 I'll be making a fresh install of B.A.T 3.2 ( which is a marvel in itself ) dedicated to just using your amazing mod.

Thank you again so much for this.


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Re: Old game, new life.
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2017, 01:48:19 PM »

Holy hell....

Imagine the Il-2 flightline's 3d models and map/skin textures refitted to take advantage of this....

BOS would as good as kiss it's @$$ goodbye....


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Re: Old game, new life.
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2017, 02:06:32 PM »

That looks amazing!!!

"DLL-4096 should work in any version of the game no less than 4 09M."

Will this work with modded BAT that uses the HD mod?
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Re: Old game, new life.
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2017, 02:14:38 PM »

Will this work with modded BAT that uses the HD mod?

Use  new DLL-4096-2017    in HD mod.

SAS ~ Storebror will probably later update the HD mod.


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Re: Old game, new life.
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2017, 03:18:29 PM »

@ carsmaster:

The author of AHS mod is HunInTheSun, aka Vike ...  ;)



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Re: Old game, new life.
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2017, 03:28:49 PM »

The author of AHS mod is HunInTheSun, aka Vike ...  ;)
Many thanks, I have corrected my post.


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Re: Old game, new life.
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2017, 04:05:27 AM »

Hmmm? Bumped my CUP install back to original game screen and hung at 95%? thank god for backing up everything first!!
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Re: Old game, new life.
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2017, 03:41:43 AM »

These new DLLs are just miraculous ...!  :P

No more blinking inside Freddy's Bf109 E3 cockpit, or D520 ...!!  8)

I only used the new 2 core 2017 DLLs ...  ;)

Many THX carmaster ...!  :-*


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Re: Old game, new life.
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2017, 04:12:15 AM »

These new DLLs are just miraculous ...!  :P
I'm glad that my hard work in low-level assembler was not wasted.

No more blinking inside Freddy's Bf109 E3 cockpit, or D520 ...!!  8)
Yes, these DLLs should eliminate some problems in the cockpits that have many polygons.

I only used the new 2 core 2017 DLLs ...  ;)
Perhaps I gave all the materials.
Probably only 2 DLLs will work

Many THX carmaster ...!  :-*


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Re: Old game, new life.
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2017, 07:37:49 AM »

No issues with just the 2 core.dll in CUP - is this the way to go?
Corsair Carbide case, Intel core i5 4690 3.5ghz with Arctic Cooler, Asus Rock H97 performance, MSI Ventus XS OC 1660GTX 6GB DDR6, 32GB Patriot Viper 1600Mhz, 256GB/500GB Crucial SSDs, Windows 10 64bit.


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Re: Old game, new life.
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2017, 10:34:44 AM »

No issues with just the 2 core.dll in CUP - is this the way to go?
Sorry, but I do not use CUP, BAT, and so on.
In the modified version 4 09M everything works.
Perhaps you can help other comrades who use CUP, BAT .....

core.dll is for very old computers that do not support SSE2 instructions.
Your computer is new, it supports SSE2.
To be honest, core.dll and coreP4 .dll are the same in content and code.
But your computer will still use coreP4 through the game classes.

There may be a problem in your Windows 10 64bit operating system.
I do not have Windows 10 64bit. Not test on  Windows 10 64bit. :(

I have Windows 7 64bit.
I have Windows 8.1 64bit.

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