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Author Topic: AI orbiting between the waypoints  (Read 2484 times)

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AI orbiting between the waypoints
« on: May 17, 2017, 02:41:29 PM »

Mission making in FMB of BAT... and one very annoying bug.

AI planes formation begins to orbit somewhere between two waypoints. They continue to do that indefinitely until run of fuel or shot down. I tried to change altitudes, speeds, separation between planes involved, even aircraft types. Removed and replaced some waypoints in the route. Nothing helps.
I have encountered that initially in one of my CUP missions. Now, for the second time, in another former CUP mission which I upgrade to BAT. (Ironically, this "orbiting" appeared after change to BAT). Different map, different planes, same issue.
I assume this is rare but common bug for IL2 FMB which does not relate to CUP or BAT.

Any advise on how to get rid of this bug - besides deleting and creating all routes involved?


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Re: AI orbiting between the waypoints
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2017, 02:44:53 PM »

Are they jets? I have seen jets do this because they are so fast they miss the waypoint and try to go back to the first but just cant seem to get the job done. :)
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Re: AI orbiting between the waypoints
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2017, 11:43:46 AM »

Are they jets? I have seen jets do this because they are so fast they miss the waypoint and try to go back to the first but just cant seem to get the job done. :)

Ki-67 (and several other Jap types, all piston engined) in current mission. MiG-17 and MiG-15 in my last year CUP missions.
They don't miss waypoint but alter the course somewhere between two WP and then begin their circus round.
In one case just before the last WP before the bomb run, in another one after the bomb drop.

I'll try to experiment a bit more with speeds and waypoints. Otherwise... rewriting all routes is the only cure probably. Damned.  >:(


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Re: AI orbiting between the waypoints
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2017, 06:46:12 AM »

My immediate thought is that the waypoint has the "patrol" option on.


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Re: AI orbiting between the waypoints
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2017, 10:45:31 AM »

Check to see if the ground attack waypoint has a target set.
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Re: AI orbiting between the waypoints
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2017, 01:11:25 PM »

I met circling when waypoints were not enough distant one from another,
or, at AI landing when there were mountains near the airfield.
Just my 2pence.


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Re: AI orbiting between the waypoints
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2017, 01:30:23 PM »

Thanks for all comments.
Patrol option off, no Ground Attack. Regarding the distance between WP - I changed them but without any results so far.



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Re: AI orbiting between the waypoints
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2017, 05:19:39 PM »

I am really no java guru but this seems code driven.

Now Dimlee, did you save/edit, save/edit/play, save/edit/play, save/edit a lot?

When I test airfields I do multiple edits of the one mission file which somehow, sometimes, after too many changes the becomes ... erratic. Typically you change the player aircraft to a different one and the game will just ignore it, even if it is correctly saved in the file.

It "feels" like problems you have with other software when you work for too long on the same file (MS Office 2003 or AutoCAD). This seems odd because we are only talking about a text file (not more complex file systems with internal, file specific database), but when I have this problem I just delete the mission and start from scratch.

On thing you could try is to create a new mission file, completely from scratch in a text editor, copy/paste the content of your original mission (the waypoints) and try it. This works for AutoCAD or Excel when files become uncontrollable.
Another thing you could do is save under different names as you do your changes, so that you can go back to the version before the problem appeared. There is no going back if you keep overwriting...


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Re: AI orbiting between the waypoints
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2017, 02:32:42 PM »

I am really no java guru but this seems code driven.

Now Dimlee, did you save/edit, save/edit/play, save/edit/play, save/edit a lot?

When I test airfields I do multiple edits of the one mission file which somehow, sometimes, after too many changes the becomes ... erratic. Typically you change the player aircraft to a different one and the game will just ignore it, even if it is correctly saved in the file.

It "feels" like problems you have with other software when you work for too long on the same file (MS Office 2003 or AutoCAD). This seems odd because we are only talking about a text file (not more complex file systems with internal, file specific database), but when I have this problem I just delete the mission and start from scratch.

On thing you could try is to create a new mission file, completely from scratch in a text editor, copy/paste the content of your original mission (the waypoints) and try it. This works for AutoCAD or Excel when files become uncontrollable.
Another thing you could do is save under different names as you do your changes, so that you can go back to the version before the problem appeared. There is no going back if you keep overwriting...

Zoran, thanks!
You are right in your assumption. Both missions where this bug persisted were edited/saved/played many MANY times.
I will apply the solutions you recommend and see what happens.

By the way, I did notice other "bugs" after a lot of editing but less critical and easily corrected. For example: missing waypoints (one or more), missing "green links" between aircraft (normal fly - target another a/c), changes in taxiing patterns on an airfield and some other.
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