Today, is the 103rd anniversary of The Great War coming to an end, after four years of deadly struggle.
It is also the day I've finally completed this amazing campaign pack after four years...
Four years of playing it more or less in real time.
Initially it was not planned. I went across these campaigns long time ago, when I first discovered C.U.P. but never played them. Then, in sometime in Summer 2017 gave the first one a try out of pure curiosity. I still remember that first "mission" recreating iconic Bleriot flight across the Channel... Needless to say that I really enjoyed them. I kept playing them from time to time for the next years and since I did it in chronology at some point I realized it's going more or less "in real time". As years (and war) progressed, I played it more and more but I didn't plan to keep the pace as there's ton of 1917 and 1918 campaigns. However, as COVID restrictions came into place early last year I suddenly got more free time to play these. Then I put myself a challenge to complete this pack going more or less with "real time progress". It was not exactly day to day or week to week, but never got more than a month or two off and after four years, I finished the last mission on the 11th.

It was not only fun to play these but it was also a great incentive to learn more about history of that period. Four years of unforgettable experience.
I want to thank Monty and the SAS team for creating that. You guys do amazing job! Keep going!
![Cheers ]cheers[](
To give something back: as I went through them, I fixed some bugs I noticed. Since BAT was being kept updated by new aircraft like SPAD XIII, Pfalz DIII and others, I added these where appropriate, replaced some aircraft with more historically accurate counterparts and so on. It ended up with a decent rework so I think I will share the result: live B.A.T!
![wave ]wav[](