At the occasion of 76th anniversary of invasion of German troops into Yugoslavia the map of most of the area is here released.

Map can be downloaded here: guide is included in the package.
Map was tested on Il-2 4.101 SAS modact 3.06, on Il-2 4.12.2 SAS modact 5.30,
Il-2 4.13.3 SAS modact 6.30.
Molva who created three cathedrals for Beograd and the Mostar Old Bridge, with help of nachprod and carsmaster.
All friends at SAS and at Aviaskins who contributed to the information on the map and supported me by their interest in the development of the map:
Radoye, David Prosser, CzechTexan, fatty_finn,
doctor, Avala, Ace of Spades, benson, 242Sqn_Cat,The Alaska Man,
Whiskey_Sierra_972, Kanttori, NS_Koty, bigans, max_thehitman,
SAS_Poltava, Kopfdorfer, vonofterdingen, Venator77, Bogdan "Bizu" Constantin,
Scotty Rotten, andrey65, Vasya, Toobone, carsmaster, zloy.
Special credits to betatesters:
Skyfan, who helped to repair several my mistakes and who also prepared the map russification and allowed to include it here,
vonOben, Boyan, Klaus, Zoran who reported several bugs,
their help was irreplaceable. All the remaining mistakes are mine.
QMB missions for this map can be d/l here: