Hi Max, as said earlier, this is a great skinpack, special for me, being Dutch. But being Dutch also means that there's alway something 'wrong'. I wonder if you can make a skin for the D-XXIII, that more close to the ML-KNIL colours. Here's screenshot of a Buffalo made by Knochenklutscher* of a NEIAF Buffalo in - at least colour-wise - the best skin IMHO made forthis plane:
Its with this colourscheme the same as with the Russian scheme's, UK writers thought that every air force had the same colours as their Spitfires and Hurricanes of green, brown and sky. Now we know better, at least some of us. Long research by Dutch authoe Peter Boer has revealed that the NEIAF colours are more or less US colours. He comes to the conclusion that the 'lighter' green is aproximately medium green FS 34102 and the dark green FS 34079 Dark Green. Buffalo undersides where aluminium dope.
Well after this long introduction, I would like to ask if you could please include in the forthcoming pack one (or two) D-XXIII's is such a colourscheme.
* Tobias stopped skinning after releasing this one, I'm still sad about this