Hi, sorry to be a spoilsport, but I have a small issue in my CUP WAW install. I'm completely up to date with WAW#22 and all MME parts. The issue I have is with the cockpit of the Spitfire Mk Vb Trop and the Spitfire Mk Vb floatplane; apple greeen upper cowling and missing frame on the left side:
And there's some mix-up with the weapons.ru; the SpitfireMkVbt is named SpitfireMkVbtrop:
# NoAirIni #####################################################################
# SpitfireMkVbTrop ## SPITFIRE5BT ### "$SpitfireMkVbTrop" #### 194101--194606
SpitfireMkVbTrop.default Default
SpitfireMkVbTrop.1x500 1 x 500 lbs. (RAF) Bomb
SpitfireMkVbTrop.2x250 2 x 250 lbs. (RAF) Bombs
SpitfireMkVbTrop.2x250dt30 2 x 250 lbs. Bombs + 1 x 30 gal. Droptank
SpitfireMkVbTrop.2x250dt45 2 x 250 lbs. Bombs + 1 x 45 gal. Droptank
SpitfireMkVbTrop.1x500lb 1 x 500 lbs. (US) Bomb
SpitfireMkVbTrop.2x250lb 2 x 250 lbs. (US) Bombs
SpitfireMkVbTrop.2x250lbdt30 2 x 250 lbs. + 1 x 30 gal. Droptank
SpitfireMkVbTrop.2x250lbdt45 2 x 250 lbs. + 1 x 45 gal. Droptank
SpitfireMkVbTrop.1x30dt 1 x 30 gal. Droptank
SpitfireMkVbTrop.1x45dt 1 x 45 gal. Droptank
SpitfireMkVbTrop.none Empty
And so doesn't show its load-out correctly and also there's a load-out for Knochenklutschers Mk Vb Trop:
SPITFIREVbTrop.default Default
SPITFIREVbTrop.1x500 1x RAF 500 lb. HE Bomb
And that one isn't in the game, entry doesn't any harm. To have the load out of the Mk Vb trop displayed correct copy past the one below over the existing one.
Back-up your files first.
# SpitfireMkVbt ## SPITFIRE5BT ### "$SpitfireMkVbT" #### 194101--194606
SpitfireMkVbT.default Default
SpitfireMkVbT.1x500 1x500 lbs. (RAF) Bomb
SpitfireMkVbT.2x250 2x250 lbs. (RAF) Bombs
SpitfireMkVbT.2x250dt30 2x250 lbs. Bombs + 1 x 30 gal. Droptank
SpitfireMkVbT.2x250dt45 2x250 lbs. Bombs + 1 x 45 gal. Droptank
SpitfireMkVbT.1x500lb 1x500 lbs. (US) Bomb
SpitfireMkVbT.2x250lb 2x250 lbs. (US) Bombs
SpitfireMkVbT.2x250lbdt30 2x250 lbs. + 1 x 30 gal. Droptank
SpitfireMkVbT.2x250lbdt45 2x250 lbs. + 1 x 45 gal. Droptank
SpitfireMkVbT.1x30dt 1x30 gal. Droptank
SpitfireMkVbT.1x45dt 1x45 gal. Droptank
SpitfireMkVbT.none Empty