Gentleman, has someone of you get this map to work under 4.11/HSFX6?
I´ve downloaded the nedded "Compans textures" and put it in mapmods/maps/_tex/land/summer,but the Summer version of this map won´t load.I´ll get a landscape/load.error.The winter version runs fine.The static ini. checker reports no errors.
press Shift/Tab to find which textures your missing to load the map
you will have to do this for every texture missing
load the game each time in between adding each missing texture
eventually you will complete the task of finding,and adding each and every texture that is missing
The game,reads the load.ini of the map in order
it stops when it finds an error in the load.ini or has a missing texture for a texture slot of the load.ini
This is why,the game will only report the first texture it reads that is missing,and not all the textures that are missing
So hit shift/tab
at the bottom of the info generated read the missing texture line
add that texture ,reload the map and shift/tab to find the next missing texture,add that texture
reload the game,shift/tab and read again the next in line missing texture
add that texture,reload the game,read missing texture line,add texture,reload the game
eventually you will win
your console info at bottom says the compans_bob_feilds_2.tga is not in correct scale
it needs to be set,as described by the game in the console to one of the following>(-2,1,2,4 or 8 )
In the load.ini>
LowLand0 = land/summer/sk_LowLand0.tga
LowLand1 = land/summer/Compans_BoB_fields_2.tga,-2
LowLand2 = land/summer/Compans_BoB_fields_2.tga,-1 (Should be -2,1,2,4 or 8 )
LowLand3 = land/summer/Compans_mountain_fields_3.tga,-1 ( this texture is also not in correct scale at -1)
not sure,but hope this helps