Hi and welcome Dogtail!

but unable to save anything
Seems you have not installed all the objects this map needs.
And when not having all objects you cannot save.
Look inside this file static.ini wich comes with this maps dl
and copy/paste the content at the end of the static.ini in your game.
You will find it in the folder where your mods reside
(depends on the modact/modpack you use: #SAS, #WAW, MOds.. etc)
and here inside ....\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects.
Then you need to install the objects:
In the unzipped dl you find the folder "3do".
I think its better to have this folder in a named mods folder
in your modact/modpack main folder.
So make a folder with a name like "objects Russia mid east front 1941-44",
then move this 3do folder inside this new folder.
This ""objects Russia mid east .." folder move now
into the folder where your mods reside (#SAS, etc).
Do this and try again. When this doesn't work you are missing other objects
not provided with this maps dl and not provided with your modact/modpack.
When you read this thread you will find that LameHawk had the same problem.
He needed the Moscow and the Donbass maps dls to get all objcets.
Maybe you will need this.
And when this doesn't help then we have a tool wich helps to find missing objects,
dl it here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=762.0Map Maker summer in winter Buildings.txt
the text
Bitte beachtet die gross und klein schreibung der Winterobjekte.
means mapmakers should take care of upper and lower case in the names
of the objects provided with this maps dl when using them.
This hint does not apply to normal users of this map I think.
Btw: next time when asking for help provide as much info as possible:
on wich games version with wich Modact or Modpack do you have problems?
Have you installed other mods? etc etc.