A few more in depth links:
If you are into Korean Era jets, my tip would be go for eithzer C.U.P. as told above, or
ModAct 5.3:
Patch your game to 4.12 --backup the clean IL-2 1946 install first!
Go for MA 5.3..,37662.0.htmlInstall Engine Mod 2.7 + update:,37774.0.htmlUpdate,39075.0.htmlThe install the Jet Era mod:,15649.0.htmlThis is not complicated.
"NOTE: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SFS INSTALLING FOR USERS OF SAS MODACT 3.06 OR LATER: You dont have to add lines to your .rc file, just copy the two SFS files from this mod, into your SAS_SFS folder, replacing the placeholders already there."
You will though start to read more in our basic help aka New member Safety topics...learn what an STD folder is, how to add ini lines etc.
With a ModAct 5.3 install, your
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#SAS\STD folder will carry the needed ini files to be manipulated to add planes etc.
Most vital
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#SAS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects/air.iniIL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#SAS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects/
stationary.iniIL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#SAS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects/
technics.iniIL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#SAS\
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#SAS\STD\
Best check the entire New Member Safety area as well.
No bucks, no Buck Rogers, no reading, no modding.
On the SAS Engine Mod patch: If that is too complicated for you, the Patch link:,39075.0.html...try it first without the update.
Good Luck..and if you want early 50s jets without all this stress, shoot me a pm, I fly a different modpack. But IMHO the support and future evolution aspect at SAS is still superb...and thus I recommend our site's mods definately...for the time being.
In the cockpit section you may find some add-ons I fumbled together for Sabres and Mig-21s...
Mig-21s BTW:,48609.0.htmlF-80 modernized pack,48764.0.htmlATM I am testing a modernized F-80 pit mod...I hope I can upload it soon here:,48764.0.htmlSo, to sum it up:
Either choose C.U.P., based on a 4.12 patched basic IL-2 1946 install.
I would recommend that to unexperienced users...
Or, if you want to specialize your install for jets only,
try MA 5.3 and the manual jet mod addition, takes less long to download but much more initiative to install.