I am reading a book right now about Canadian fighter pilot in the first day of the battle of france , some of the last fighters who left France for England after the German invasion , they were flying British Hurricane ... Don't have much people knowing about this.. Even me i was surprise to know we fight so early in the war.. If i could find time maybe if will try to make a campaign and depicted those Hurricane and many other Canadian Pilot Ace like George "Buzz/Screwball" Burling 32 kills and Russell "Russ"Bannock 28 kills They did pretty well on the western front... In all the years I fallow this game we didn't see much people talking about Canadian Fighter Pilot , even if at the end of the war it was a huge part of the force involve in the air and on the sea... Most of the fighter pilot Ace around the world are well Know But who Can Name a famous Canadian ???... May be I should make more Canadian Ace planes...lolll Yep I' m gonna need those roundel lolll
There are many many famous Canadian Aces, from World War 1 and World War 2.
Just look around and search for them.
I have not included any of the Canadian, New Zealand, Australian roundels in this poster
because of the space, and also because they have a History of Roundels all their own too
Even though these countries are part of the Commonwealth and have fought in wars using
the RAF roundels on their airplanes, they also used their own unique identifications.
I have already researched all about them and I am preparing another roundel poster
to post soon