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Author Topic: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-18  (Read 49730 times)

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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-18
« Reply #24 on: January 16, 2016, 01:49:09 PM »

Thank you very much for your work !!! After installing and activating the WAV 18 fashion #WAW_Dry Dock collapse of 70% or it should not be installed? Sorry for bad english


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-18
« Reply #25 on: January 16, 2016, 01:54:40 PM »

Well after dL'ing and going through that very informative new manual,
I DL & installed the maps & W AW 18 & jumped right into my
favorate QMB Smolensk Armor scenario and,... WOW! what a fantastic change...
then onto the I-16 and the type 18 & 24 aircraft... They both flew better then ever. 
I haven't even had time to move on to anything else...
Hey, I'm in il2 heaven right where I'm at.....

S! You all... 8)
A Pilots Prayer:  "May you not run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas all at the same time".


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-18
« Reply #26 on: January 16, 2016, 02:35:13 PM »

superb work simon got my waw flames back after that engine classfile tweak,thanks to all involved the improvements are many and the entire sim is just awesome. I offer to all involved my sincere thanks.kev.


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-18
« Reply #27 on: January 16, 2016, 05:04:41 PM »

Thank you very much for your work !!! After installing and activating the WAV 18 fashion #WAW_Dry Dock collapse of 70% or it should not be installed? Sorry for bad english

 - NEED LOGFILE - Sorry don't understand, never heard of '#WAW_Dry Dock' - NEED LOGFILE -

Dear Simon, many thanks for this great addiction (as usual)! I'm testing it and so far I've found what to me seems a glitch. In the arming page (QMB) the MC-202as/CB does not show. It just me or it is a real bug?
Thanks again, Alex.

More detail needed Alex - The bomb armed "MacchiMC202AS Serie XIIB, 1943" very definitely is in there and working fine for us.  There are five MC202 variants in C.U.P. and all test fine.

We are also looking at reducing the plane name sizes without losing too much detail (got your pm slejsa, thanks).

...Dear SAS~Monty27 thank you,helped, everything works

Yes!  We are on the same page, it has been a few years my friend!

Thanks for this great update Simon & crew! One 'bug' the Hispano Ha 1112 doesn't appear in the QMB.

Damn you Henky!#%$@^**%$@# - Thanks mate - We will check out Berg's report as well and fix the ship, Do-17 Sight and Ha-1112 today (got a Sunday OFF!) and upload a small Part-18B later.  Part-18B can handle any genuine fixes for a small addon upload, dare I say 'patch' for perfection.

At some point, when Part-18 and Part-18B is all stabilised and proven to be all we wanted, it needs to be handed back to the real classfile gurus: SAS~Benitomuso and SAS~Asheshouse, who are tidying up the ship list and fixing a solid new structure for Part-19.


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-18
« Reply #28 on: January 16, 2016, 05:52:11 PM »

Monty, thank-you for all of your hard work! Can you please confirm the F4F-4 are exploding on carriers? I have tried them on several different carriers. The F4F-3 are fine as well
as other planes. The F4F-4 seems the only one that does this. Tried in both static and DGen campaigns. Appreciate any help! BTW, vanilla #WAW#18 folder installed. Thank-you!


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-18
« Reply #29 on: January 16, 2016, 09:18:23 PM »

I love this!  Thank you.   I have a fully installed WAW with maps, etc. to part 18.

I got a new stock campaign going and flew 109s in the QMB with no problem, but now I can't seem to get the stock hurricanes to fly.  Anyone else notice this?


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-18
« Reply #30 on: January 16, 2016, 09:44:30 PM »

I love this!  Thank you.   I have a fully installed WAW with maps, etc. to part 18.

I got a new stock campaign going and flew 109s in the QMB with no problem, but now I can't seem to get the stock hurricanes to fly.  Anyone else notice this?

Hi csvousden - there is one single Dgen campaign for Hurris, RAF Far East Fighter Command, its fine.  If you have some other stuff originating outside of 412 it will probably need some tweaking but the problem does not lie within C.U.P.  We have recently tested all Hurris thoroughly in all theatres.

BTW I do owe you a BIG thank you for reminding us all of the Yak-9B.  I guess you have seen the increased Yak flightline and we would like to say thanks for prodding us all with that one!  Also, with your big library and mission knowledge we must get together and do some proper mission sets in FMB - jot some stuff down... 

412 FMB beats everything, DGen, 'stock campaigns', nothing comes close.  So far I have only really seen a few of the newer mission makers, like POUSSIN1 and KevinHoggard, plus old hands like vonofterdingen (DCG expert too) and SAS~Poltava and me, fully exploit 412 FMB, especially with the expanded C.U.P. FMB objects list, the largest in all Il2 mods.  In time this is where the main action will be found...

Here are some other good reports with solutions:


FIXES - Part-18B Patch:

Ha 1112M1L failure - Reported by henkypenky - FIXED (new classfiles plus new WAW69.SFS)

Thanks to Stefan_SG for the 412 classfile upgrades and a better default skin.


This is also a good opportunity to include Redfox's extra Buchon Skins...


CVL Shamrock Bay - Reported by Bergkamp - FIXED (new WAW41.SFS)

Good work by Bergkamp.  The replacement 'Heir' still preserves the individual appearance of the carrier but fixes the mesh error that stopped it showing up.


F4F Wildcat exploding on Carriers - Reported by ashton1972 - FIXED (WAW65.SFS)

Due to a bad mesh,that crept back in there, now resolved in WAW65.SFS.  Be careful and do not modify your Wildcats further.  We have known about the bad mesh for some time, its my fault it got packed again, but its gone forever now!


Do-17Z0/Do-17Z2/Do-217K1/Do-217K2/Do-217M1 BOMBSIGHTS by Stefan_SG

Stefan_SG continues to upgrade mods, especially bombsights, to 412.  This time he has provided the resources for 5 fully functional low level bombers.  With #CUP_VisualMOD9-v4122 activated the bombsight is deadly accurate and very easy to use.  You still need nerves of steel though.

Thanks to SAS~Gerax for the reminder.  8)



Startup smoke reduced for less FPS impact and Full Throttle Flames! - by dpeters95


Why is the 'Patch' so big?  Because tiny parts of three crucial SFS files have been altered and you need all three complete.  The good news is that these SFS files are fixed and will stay that way now.  Its a bugger to have even three minor mistakes but we have got them cleared, and added some new things, now so lets go forward from here...

CUP World At War Part-18B - Patch



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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-18
« Reply #31 on: January 16, 2016, 11:10:14 PM »

Monty, Once again, a huge thank for all your help and work! It is always nice to know if something is a actual bug, and not a install or user error! Thank-you!


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-18
« Reply #32 on: January 17, 2016, 02:38:48 AM »

#WAW_Dry Dock    -   I downloaded here   https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,44975.msg511763.html#msg511763 Problem in spawn: 

PlMisChief: property 'speed' NOT found in class 'com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.tanks.NewArmorPackTank$T34_100_LB1
java.lang.RuntimeException: PlMisChief: property 'speed' NOT found in class 'com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.tanks.NewArmorPackTank$T34_100_LB1

INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/TEXTURES/ShipFrontWave.mat'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/TEXTURES/ShipFrontWave.mat' of class 'TMaterial' not loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/TEXTURES/ShipFrontWave.mat'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/TEXTURES/ShipFrontWave.mat' of class 'TMaterial' not loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/TEXTURES/ShipFrontWave.mat'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/TEXTURES/ShipFrontWave.mat' of class 'TMaterial' not loaded


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-18
« Reply #33 on: January 17, 2016, 04:09:32 AM »

Hi Monty, thanks for the very fast response + solutions! What you and the crew are doing for us is priceless and very much apreciated, thanks.


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-18
« Reply #34 on: January 17, 2016, 04:21:42 AM »

Anyone try to go against me in the Ho-229NJ?..... ;D
Let the victor be justice...


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-18
« Reply #35 on: January 17, 2016, 05:09:53 AM »

...thanks for the very fast response + solutions!...

Thanks to you Henky, always a reliable source.

Anyone try to go against me in the Ho-229NJ?..... ;D

How about that BlackAce? - The CUP Team listens and always delivers!

#WAW_Dry Dock    -   I downloaded here   https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,44975.msg511763.html#msg511763 Problem in spawn: 

I don't know anything about it hadji4.  Why not try out the instructions I have offered? - Use a clean #WAW first.

It will be worth reading some of the new 87 page CUP manual.  Maybe we can get some wider translations of the most critical parts?  Basically; anything writing to the core *.inis prior to this update is obselete now.  Tough, but something I have to deal with all of the time...

Anything added to this latest version, made BEFORE it was released, is NOT going to work!  Throw it away.


Everyone should be able to install and test launch Part-18 + Patch 18B with minimal JSGME Options added.  I do recommend Soundset-03 is activated first, it does effect the function of some aircraft directly - so put your sounds in.

Forgotten Countries, put that in too.  Add MissionPRO Combo to enable the Sectional Maplist and QMBPRO.

STOP there and go fly.  After that do a little more tuning.  We can't make it any simpler.  CUP is as simple to use as we can make the highly modded Il2.

After all we are pretend pilots aren't we? - We really should be able to follow a basic checklist and a few simple guidelines.    :-[

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