Edit Gerax: this Pack is included in WAW-Pt17
so no need to dl when you are up-to-date with WAW Part 17.*************************************************************
REQUIRES FULL INSTALL OF C.U.P. Module 03 World at War Pt-15 and C.U.P. Module 03 World at War Pt-16 FIRST! *************************************************************
Community Universal Patch - C.U.P. So named because it drops neatly over a clean install of Il2-412 to transform the simulator.

This download comprises a few extra bits and pieces we are still working on for Part-17 and some extra skins for your racing planes. The Bearcats were included with Gerd's original set and the P-51R was converted from a P-51B skin, origin unknown at this time.
M4T has some more good racing skins here:
http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=search&search_id=1141122438&page=1This set has a new STD folder, the basis of the one for Part-17, which includes a manufacturer and model name update plus a bit more tidying up.
The 3DO-Fixes include PA_Jeronimo's "Hueyman" Props for the A-20 Series and some other miscellaneous updates to enhance the overall quality of CUP.
The 3DO-Fixes folder may also be regarded as a safe place to experiment with placing mods.
ORGANISING THE AIRCRAFTThe aircraft groups are designed to make it easier to find things. Prototypes are arranged as such plus Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe - S.W.O.T.L. a sub genre of more incredible designs. Where prototypes actually flew, such as the He-280, they are in the main group. Likewise the Do-335's and Ar234's have a number of variants, real and prototype, and these are all kept together for convenience.
SAFETY BACKUP:Whatever you do though, the previous 'C.U.P. Module 03 World at War Pt-16C' contains a safe, complete and fully functional Backup #WAW folder, at 114Mb. If you inadvertantly break #WAW simply rem out this folder (-#WAW) and replace it with the one from 'C.U.P. Module 03 World at War Pt-16C'.
Thanks to eMeL, Max The Hitman and RDDR for new default skins on many of the aircraft in C.U.P. Three of the finest Il2 skinners, and good friends, they have their own paintshops at Hangar-19 and all are welcome to visit.
INSTALL:Simply UnZIP/UnRAR straight to your Il2 main directory.
SAS COMMUNITY UNIVERSAL PATCH - C.U.P.All mods in CUP are thoroughly credited
CUP SFS-Mod integration is not 'theft' of community made mods
SAS does not condone or practice restrictive modding

C.U.P. 2015_Christmas_Goodie_Baghttps://www.mediafire.com/?6ji3jpsrb2p8bma***************************************