Dear Monty,
I am sorry to insist but I meet some trouble with the restore points...
...Is there a way to recover my basic game by removing mme part15latest?
Hello Tartenmuche
My apologies, I was wrong. Basically you have two parts to your question - The interesting part is obscured by what you are doing wrong. So lets get that out of the way first:
Look into the CUP Manual section 'Understanding CUP' it really should help to 'de-mystify' the process. There is never any need to go through long ordeals like this. Your base game has not been changed and you need never re-install it. The ONLY folder of importance with regard to new aircraft and functions in World at War is #WAW - That's it - NOTHING ELSE.
If you have the SFS content in place, currently SFS_WAW up to WAW70.SFS and SFS_MAPS of course, you can leave them alone. These do NOTHING to the base game, they do not effect SAS Modact or Stock.
The ONLY thing to look at here is the folder #WAW - When we do a RESTORE POINT we REPLACE THIS FOLDER. We kill the old one, and all its content, and put a completely new folder in there.
Depending on the Restore Point we use we can actually go back and forward in time, or level, anywhere within a CUP Module.
How else could we continue to mod to this level without fear of breaking everything before it? CUP is not a 'house of cards'. CUP is designed to get away from that approach.
Basically - CUP install and level changing is very easy and simple. If you do not find it so, there is something you have yet to understand about the methods or principles. I do a lot of modding. It isn't really that tedious and if it took a long time how did we get this far?
I hope this helps the first stage andt he first part of your enquiry.
Quite apart from the information and reasoning I have already provided it is easy to revert to an earlier stage, Part-12, for example, to physically test what you say:
Having just read this it took less than 30 seconds to revert to WAW Part-10 and launch. It took longer to actually type this. The PBN Bombsight is indeed present at that level. The Catalina mod doesn't have a bombsight.
Subsequent Level tests show that the PBN sight was disabled after the classfile re-structure of Part-15.
We know that it is not affected by the SFS content, since the test worked with existing SFS in place.
Therefore; a classfile, or classfiles, was wrongly overwritten (a common ocurrence during the classfile folder re-structure) and it should indeed be possible to re-activate the PBN Bombsight by restoring that small classfile, or classfiles, providing it doesn't conflict elswhere.
We should aim for a JSGME test first in case anything else crops up. JSGME is always the safest way to test such things. Reports to the contrary are, technically speaking, bollocks. There are 577 potential classfiles in the test group. I test such things reductively in groups, quickly eliminating the obvious and refining the result to a final 40 within one cup of coffee (how we measure time at home
The Catalina remains unchanged, ie no bombsight, but the PBN does have one, again. SASEngineMOD and 'Config TORPS' do not effect the result.
So far so good. I advise that you continue to install to WAW Part-19. Regardless of where you get to I will provide a small addon, in the JSGME Options section, that will re-activate the PBN Bombsight.
We shall have to call this the 'Tartenmuche PBN Fix!'
best regards
here it is:,50272.0.html