Community Universal Patch
CUP Module 03 - World at War Pt-13 and Pt-14 Together
RESTORE POINT INSTALLWe have to use the Restore Point Install method this time because this upgrade involves more than just adding new content, some things should be cleaned out and a little spring cleaning done...
HOW TO INSTALL #WAW PART-13 & #WAW PART-141) Make sure you are up-to-date, to WAW-Part 12, from previously.
#WAW Part-13 - UnZIP/UnRAR 'CUP Module 03 World at War Pt-13' direct to your Il2 Main Directory and allow overwrite.
You can do this anytime, it will not affect your install, just lays the foundations for #WAW Part-14.**************************************
RESTORE POINT INSTALL TYPE - #WAW Part-14: 1) Make sure you are up-to-date, to WAW-Part 13, from previously.
2) JSGME DISABLE everything prefixed #CUP and #WAW
3) In your Main Il2 directory rem out (rename with a -) your current #WAW to -#WAW.
#WAW Part-14 UnZIP/UnRAR 'CUP Module 03 World at War Pt-14' direct to your Il2 Main Directory and allow overwrite.
5) ENABLE JSGME Options to taste.
6) Delete old -#WAW at your convenience.
7) Do it this way because of the new Command and Control 412! We absolutely must remove unwanted obselete code and begin again with this super-clean #WAW mod folder. In order to advance; ditch the entire old #WAW and use the new one provided with #WAW PART-14.
INSTALL AND JSGMEThe safest way, to be certain you have everything clean, is to de-activate all JSGME mod options before you rename (#WAW to -#WAW) and then add the new #WAW.
Next you can re-enable JSGME options starting with just eight general #CUP Options, then the others to taste. If you have more options prefixed #CUP than the eight shown, I advise you to delete them from JSGMEMODS.
The rest, prefixed #DOF, #JTW, #WAW and #TGA refer to those individual modules and may be enabled in order to 'tune up' your setup.
You have a lot of choices available through JSGME now. Please don't be afraid of or irritated by it. These are options, extra cool stuff to try out and 'season to taste'.

FIXES AND MAINTENANCEBlenheim MkIVF classfiles fixed
Default Stuka DGen fixes, by SAS~Gerax, applied
Default P-11C DGen fixes, by SAS~Gerax, applied
CREDITS AND THREADSPlease take a look at the threads and post a thank you to the modders involved: Links are included to make this easier, but you can also use search engines to find the various modders and see just what a complex community effort is involved in creating all of these aircraft and features.
No man is an island - and no mod is an island either!All of these aircraft join the CUP flightline along with their stationary components for those wonderful dioramas and mission building.

Martin B10B b0mber and WH version gio963tto

Shackleton MKI Prototype Bison_M
SM-S62 gio963tto & RedFox
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=27362.12The beautiful Italian Seaplane joins the WAW Flightline.

Re.2001 Ariete I, 1941 Red_Fox90 & Spitwulf
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=37239.0Another Italian beauty, the Ariete is a superb RA fighter.

SNARK - Autogyro went on the warpath! SAS~Skipper
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=16065.84This is an interesting project that we have all played with previously.
Greif11 made the cockpit
Melissa prepared the CF_D0
ton414 did the engine and reworked the blades

Flettner Fl-282 Kolibri, Version 1.0 mikoyan99
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=38364.0The early Helo/spotter is another odd-bird that adds to our CUP completeness.

Breguet 693 Ectoflyer & Bison_M
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,34397.0.htmlThis franken-plane adds depth and content to those early low countries campaigns.

Dewoitine D.521 Prototype Ectoflyer & CWatson
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,34397.0.htmlCWatson classfiles and slot
Dreamk radiator mesh
Red_Fox90 exhaust mesh

Avro Lincoln MKI Prototype v 1.1 Beta 2015 Bison_M
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,47387.0.htmlFix cockpits Lancaster, Lincoln and Shackleton Bison_M
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,49234.0.htmlFantastic texture fixes that really round out the complete Lancaster and derivatives.

FW-190V18 Prototype and French Nc-900_A5/A8 by CY6_Claymore
Claymore was kind enough to compile these new FW-190s especially for CUP - World at War. It was a privilege to test these amazing original models with the guy who has done more for the Focke Wulf in simming than anyone else. CUP feels like their natural habitat!
New Stationary Upgrades by Mission_BUG
Many, many new aircraft join the FMB rollcall. Stationaries are very important for mission builders and we thank Mission_BUG especially for his work in this area.
ITEMS OF INTERESTNEW - JUNKERS-52 = ALL Versions Changes max_thehitman
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,46521.msg517599.html#newAstonishing default skins for the Ju52 family across all environments.

Bf110 Canopies by Guzknife
Only an exterior effect as yet but still very good for taxiing aircraft and screenshots.
Handley Page Hampden v.1.47 Knochenlutscher
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,47225.0.htmlWe tested this extensively but, unfortunately, the model is just not far enough along to use yet.
CY6_Infantry MOD CY6
This excellent, but quite old mod, enhances Command and Control (also by CY6) 412 compatibility. It will be added to all CUP Modules as they are upgraded.
New Plane.Properties file, looks really tidy and homogenous.
COMMAND & CONTROL 412 OVERHAULCheckyersix's previous suite of FMB Functions was largely broken by the TD-412 patch - We can only assume that TD members didn't play Il2 to this level; because so many previous DBW flyers find it hard to do without!
Sputnikshock, who worked with CY6 on Command and Control, identified the offending 412 code conflict and re-designed many of the features. We tested this several months ago and then it went into suspended animation for a time.
I continued to test the new objects and classfiles, for new campaigns and conversions, finding most items worked well and there are ways around the ones that do not. ie; With proper use of 412 FMB we actually have most of the functions back as before and some of the previous ideas are also workable through FMB mission design.
Accordingly: We are going to release what we have so that we can also upgrade many other campaigns, such as those by Poltava, that used the old Command and Control. This is still Sputnikshock's project and all credit is due to him. In the event we have further updates from him they will also be integrated into CUP.
For an instant QMB checkout of the GCI features they have been added to the QMB-CUP-Channel set of missions. Try it out from either side and prepared to be guided to your targets by the ground based radar operators - magic! Be sure to check out the C&C-Readme and AIRPCC_readme attached.**************************************
DECEMBER 7TH - THE CUP NAVY REVIEWThis sizeable ship review and Navy upgrade makes WAW58.SFS a dedicated Naval package:
THREADS AND CREDITSPlease pop in there and say hello and thanks to our good friends and master ship-builders.

Stationary Runway Arresting Wire MOD (03rd/Dec./2015) western0221
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,48526.0.htmlIJN Shokaku/Zuikaku repaint western0221
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,14901.0.htmlIJN CV Taiho and Kai-Taiho damawo
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,47697.0.htmlHMS Ark Royal asheshouse
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,49176.0.htmlTribal Class Destroyer Pack asheshouse
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,12200.0.htmlShip repaints Knochenlutscher
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,48852.0.htmlUSN Fleet Carriers - Update Plowshare
Of all the CUP Modules; World at War is the 'tour de force'. The Second World War is the main arena for aircraft development showcased in Il2 and the modding advances seen in the last couple of years have been astonishing.
With Tiger-33's Sounds native to this environment, SAS_Engine MOD 2.7 and the new Command and Control-412; along with a staggering level of new content; World at War truly sets the absolute benchmark for what is possible in the modded game for this period.
As well as the many modders involved; all who contribute to the forums help enormously with their observations, reports and encouragement. Every fan of the genre contributes in their own way.
Community Universal Patch
CUP Module 03 World at War Pt-13https://www.mediafire.com/?94e5okxpo4x34qcCommunity Universal Patch
CUP Module 03 World at War Pt-14https://www.mediafire.com/?ja1a1dp2fh0y38l**************************************