Nakajima A2N2/3
First independent project for a embarked Figthers the Nakajima A2N it was in service from 1932 to 1937 on the Japanese carriers until the replacement is derived with A4N and much more modern A5M, was later used as air support from China and training at home.
Famous for its manageability was used as aerobatic air shows during the '30s.

Url is :
for P26
3D model - Deutschmark
Importing - American
Added skins - Friction
Class files - SAS~Storebror, Frankiek, Birdman, Stefan SG
for A2N
Credit:slot , class and weapon loadout CWatson
For the default skin Stalker
for 3D model Gio963TTo
I hope a god explication Greetings GIO.
greetings Gio.
Cockpit view fix including scope view and cod added details available in post #17 - Frankiek
version for 4.12.2 tested in SAS Modact 5.3 for 4.09/4.10.1 tested in 4.09 SAS Modact, UP2.01 and DBW1.7.1