Introducing Handley Page Hampden on behalf of
JoHNy_SpRoCK-X's Modworx.

Details for
Handley Page HP.52 HampdenNationality: British
Aircraft Type: Medium Bomber
First Flight: 21 June 1936
Entered Service : September 1938
Crew: 4
Production Log: 1.432 built.
Type retired in 1943. No power turrets, all guns operated manually.
The thin cross-section made it almost impossible to change crew positions.
It was capable of catching and destroying the superior Messerscmitt Bf 110.
Length: 51ft 7in (16.33m)
Wingspan: 69ft 2in (21.08m)
Height: 14ft 4in (4.37m)
Maximum Speed: 265mph at 15,000ft (140kmh at 4,724m)
Ceiling: 19,000ft (5,790m)
Range: 1,095 miles (1,792km) with max bombload
Powerplant: 2x Bristol Pegasus XVIII 9-cyclinder radial engine, 980hp (730 kW) each
Payload: 11,780lbs (5,344kg)
Defensive Armament:
4 to 6 x .303 in (7.7 mm) Vickers K machine guns.
One flexible and one fixed in the nose,
one or two each in dorsal and ventral positions
4,000 lb (1,814 kg) bombs or 1 x 18 in torpedo or mines
H.P.52 Hampden prototype
H.P.53 Hereford prototype
Mk I Initial production model
T.B. Mk I Torpedo Bomber version; One 18 in torpedo plus two 500 lb bombs, Mk I conversions
Mk II Two Mk I conversion with 1,100 hp Wright Cyclone engines
Hereford 1.000 hp Napier Dagger VIIIS engines, 9 converted to Hampdens
UpdateHampden MkI HP52 WIP ver1.47What you will get...Level Bomber/fighter, SAS Arms_British Modified, heavy caliber all around/with modified upper ball turret, and and some USSR test skins.
Tested under:
4.101m Mega Patch
SAS Mod Act3.06
SAS Buttons 4.10 offline
DBW 1.71
SAS AutoDiff4.111
Hampden_MkI_HP52 air.HAMP_MkI_HP52 GB01 SUMMER
Hampden_MkI_HP52 Handley Page Hampden/HP52 Mk.I, 1938
Original Read me version WIP 1.47:
1. Same as most 4.10 installs. Place the included Hampden_MkI_HP52_WIP_Ver1 in your IL2/.....Mod/ folder. Copy the above air.ini lines into your IL2/..../Mods/.../Std....air.ini file. Place the included Skins/Hampden_MkI_HP52 folders in your IL2/....Paintschemes/Skins.
Never released.
Changed gun arrangments numbers
temporary fix for tail dragging center gear (fixed class code and other). moved A-20C keel to rear. Keel Keel hook/shadow/collision box now in near proper rear horizontal axis. moved pilots slightly.
Improved/added damage level D1 ...D3 on most meshes. Most parts will not morph into odd positions near the center of gravity. Should make getting shot up less odd and irritating. Not complete damage modeling..but much better. Fixed the 1000lbs GPE to read 1000lbs GPE instead of 100lbs GPE. increase the 120lb load to 17 from 12 bombs.
Never Released
Added Modified SAS British MkXII MatII for a WIP temp quick fix torpedo loadout trail. Found some more stock addon A-20C skins for a better variety of WIP temp Hampden colors.
Altered bomb load and BombSpawn hook locs for better spacing. BombSpawn05 center only for large bomb or torpedo. Removed GearC5 and C6 bay doors and class code cluttering the bomb bay. Worked on the Surface Damage Caps, WingIn, Mid, Out...Stab, Keel Cap. Updated WingIn_D3.


All rights reserved - AlphaSim 2005, WWW.ALPHASIM.CO.UK
IL-2 conversion by JoHNy_SpRoCK-X
Limitations/known Bugs:
Known issues;
This is the first attempt to convert the highly polygon detailed Alphasim model into IL2 1946. It maybe graphic intensive. When in loading screen you may encounter a lock up .....Loading Aircraft. Ram Cache intensive. Turn down your slider in 4.101 to 256k or less if you experience lock. Further models should try and concentrate on reducing mesh polygon/face count.
1. Damage levels are not complete. You will get odd morphs to an A-20c upon damage. Parts will move to wierd locations due to hooks and clips not all complete
2. LOD are those take from the A-20c. You will see a wierd morph in the distance to some other parts in wierd configs.
3. Engines are those of a A-20c. Need to transfer the AlphaSim engine model to mesh with texture/prop cowl flap/Water work.
4. Landing gear need additional work. mostly the center gear tail dragger needs work. next, the main gear need to be modeled better to look more like a Hampden. the main gear bay covers need to be changed to the alphasim model mesh.
5. Texture mapping need complete overhaul and a original template. Currently using the template from the A-20c.
6. FMD is that of a A-20c. only one keel and rudder. needs twin keel and rudder?
7. The Hampden can have many roles, an additional ground attack class file should be added.
8. The included cockpits are those of the A-20c. I was getting a crash with the gunner and bombardier cockpits. I removed those from the class files code until further root cause could be researched. only cockpit working is that of the pilot.
9. Bomb bay doors open incorrectly. pivot points and hook locs need to be redone to model exactly per a Hampden.
10. Cockpit blister ..or canopy will not open. Need code pivot hook work.
11. Issue with Pablos walking Groundcrew/chocks Mod
12. etc......
Please fly, test it, report Bugs if you find is highly appreciated,
for documentation matters. The detailed (with Pics, when, how etc.)

OK, enough Erklärbär, now Gentlemen, seat your Chutepacks, RAF Bombercommand wants you
to take over our Hampdens. She'll be ready for your Maidenflight, awaiting at your dispersal.
Hurry Gents, we need to get back for Tea.Happy flying...