I'll post on this one. I'm originally from West Virginia, and so I apologize in advance that my English ain't so good.

I ran across this thread again after rebuilding a fresh install of il2fb v4.12.2m, with the vp_modpack install, and all core files as provided by vp in his mod, (selector, dgen, etc.). In addition I have added the IL2 Random Skies mod, and internally via jsgme I have added the SAS 530 Optional mods "FOV Mod", "FX Small Collection" mod, "Light Splash Screens" mod, "Random Belt Start Pos" mod, and the "WHC Retextured NewGuines v3", map repaint.
So I downloaded the Reshade 1.1 with SweetFX 2.0 zip, and followed the instructions exactly. Pretty simple, unzip, select the setup file aim it at il2fb, and POOF, worked like advertised right out of the box. No muss, no fuss.
At first I didn't think the thing was working as I have never seen any "Sweet FX Welcome" message despite having it set in the SweetFX settings file. So when I cranked up a quick mission test, I really didn't notice anything different. Second time I ran one then I noted the start up language in the upper left corner telling me SweetFX had loaded, initiated, and was working. I used the scroll key to turn it on and off, just to make sure it was indeed working.
I then copied and pasted a new set of Sweet FX settings from beekiller and uufflakke as posted, renamed them to the Sweet FX settings file name, and replaced the original (saving it in a safe place of course), and then the eye candy really popped.
I did not get the Reshade 1.1 assistant, as it is not provided in the Reshade1.1 and SweetFX 2.0 zip file. Only the files necessary to install SweetFX 2.0 and for it to work. I'm guessing I need to download one of the Reshade zips to get that. However, since I only want to dress up the overall eye candy a tad, I'm not really into achieving a real word view at the expense of playing the game itself. So with all the ready made profiles out there to choose from which I can just rename the SweetFX setting file and plug them in, I'm good with making changes manually using this method.
All in all I have to say this is a really nice little app that has a big impact on visuals with little or no frame rate penalties, depending on what one selects of course. The FX settings file nicely identifies those settings that chew up FPS if you want to avoid them. I'm using an Intel i7-4790K, and Nvidia GTX980.
Oh, by the way. I also experienced a periodic lag as I had read about in this thread and used the same suggested fix. I changed the properties of the "Opengl32.log" filed located in the il2fb main folder to "read only", and that fixed the periodic lag or stutter as well as to keep it from growing like Pinocho's nose. Thanks to everyone for their comments in this thread. After reading through this, installing and getting SweetFX to work on my install was thankfully pretty simple.