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Author Topic: Triggers !  (Read 3232 times)

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Triggers !
« on: June 01, 2015, 05:24:20 AM »

G'DAY All ~S~
I just HAVE to say I LOVE TRIGGERS !!!...... making them work like a manner of falling dice is awsome shyte,,, : )  TRIGGERS !!! is one of the bestestsednessess  inventions that have been added to FMB mission making. i am stuck with only flying stock and HSFX at the moment so I can't wait till I can get into re arm and repair versions. (this would be NOYCE to have in HSFX mod game DF missions.. RRR that is) as it stands i am stuck with when i die in the DF missions in my HSFX I can't respawn i have to quit the mission.. only if I live land chute and survive i getz to respawn but thats cool.. as it hones my skills into NOT dying YEY... just thought i would pass on this happy note... getting stuff to happen and watching it all unfold via the triggers is heaps fun... and you can get very different results from the one mission using various trigger parrameters.
C U L8 R chappies... ~S~ salutations

Sharkzz (it's good to be back..
New Right Arm Amputee, One armed flyer and Longboard surfer, I now swim and paddle in circles .


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« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2015, 11:40:39 AM »

I have to agree Sharkzz, Triggers certainly add to a mission.  I'm hoping the original modder will add more functionality to any next version.
For what it's worth I use Triggers (message) for our Battle of Britain campaign to simulate the Chain Home radar system and the Observer Corps.
I place Triggers at each Chain Home location and adjust their range depending on whether it's Chain Home Low or Chain Home High.  When a German formation enters the trigger then a message pops up letting us know there's an incoming raid, where it is and at what altitude.  I use smaller range Triggers dotted around the map to simulate Observer Corps spotting bombers etc and reporting.
The only thing missing is the direction.  It would be nice if the Trigger message could include the direction of travel of the enemy formation (I've mentioned that to the original author).

I've considered other triggers for initiating a air-sea rescue (i.e. if you manage to ditch your aircraft in a particular zone then an air-sea plane/ship will be spawned and head in that direction).  There's lots of possibilities.  I believe the Command and Control mod does a much more along the lines of triggers but unfortunately it doesn't work with HSFX.....yet.  Here's hoping......  ;)


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Re: Triggers !
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2015, 05:58:23 AM »

~S~ heya tomoose. that sounds really, really good how you have set that up. It's funny you know, I have been using HSFX 7 but in HSFX mod able  (not expert) and I found command and control will work. I haven't checked ALL of the C & C capabilities as yet but ALOT of it does work,( & with triggers) I have also been toying with some message parameters where you place the message next in the %****% in the text, it's just figuring out the right phraseology to use. I had some success with direction etc muck about with it . can't hurt, just a bit time consuming. but all mission making is a time consuming work of LOVE LOLOL.. yes we are quite mad aren't we, we mission makers. the secret is to experiment and think outside of the square.. 8)  m8. I 'll pop back again and give you a heads up on what I can figure out. Tough being stuck in HSFX and stock mode games I am limited due to I am on a lap top at present cause the DTop sht itself and karked it  ???...so I have to run all my IL2 off a USB HDD which isn't that fast and stable so I can't have all my DBW and UP versions available (the daughter gave this LTop to my wife to use and they won' let me take up the LTop disc space.. (wives and daughters just don't understand do they ?)anyway brother,  gotta go . good to hear from you  and ill pop back when I can m8.
catch you later ~S~
New Right Arm Amputee, One armed flyer and Longboard surfer, I now swim and paddle in circles .


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Re: Triggers !
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2015, 11:38:40 AM »

are you saying that the C&C mod (or parts of it) actually work with HSFX?  I had tried it before and got nowhere.
If even just the 'triggers' aspect of C&C works with HSFX I would be highly interested in that as I think it's more powerful than the current Triggers mod and we have a B-17 coop campaign coming up.

Ref the Triggers and BoB scenario.  I used Rowan's Battle of Britain as a ref for some of the "phraseology" for my Triggers messages.
For example:
  I have a Trigger over certain French locations and when the German a/c are taking off/forming up then a message pops up "New raid forming.  Abbeville/Coquelles (or whatever the location is)".
  When the enemy a/c enter a trigger range....."Hostiles.  Grid  xxx.  yyyyyft"  with a series of these reports you get a good idea of their direction and you can plot an intercept.
The ultimate would be if an actual voice (recording) message popped up instead of text but I guess we'll have to wait on that one.  ;)


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Re: Triggers !
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2015, 12:14:15 AM »

G'day Tom m8,
yes I had C & C in HSFX 7.latest. I am running . have a look at your stationary ini/s were the C & C info goes , also when I run the HSFX I am NOT using expert, only the history mod enabled in JSGME. A bit hard to remember exactly what I had enabled as I now don't have HSFX running on the good wife's laptop,(can't wait till I get a DP PC again), so I am limited to how many versions of the game I can sneek onto the hard drive, as well as I am using a USB HD to hold more game info,  so sorry bout this.
hmmmmm voice.... I wander what triggers the voice scripts ?   doing a voice over is the easy part, figuring out how and where/what triggers ATC voice is another matter. I have mucking about over dubbing female brit ATC that's available with some light humour thanks to Austin Powers... and am currently looking at soundtrack snippets as well as other voice bits to over dub... I reckon it saves time mucking about with new WAV files and headers, so I just overlay the voices for what I want. bit o fun and a laugh. But al in al YES, I had C & C going with HSFX, just not in expert mode as you can't realy have MODS happening in expert mode. as it is pretty much self enclosed and does it's own thing, as well as the auto update keeps it "modded" in it's own way too.
good luck and look forward to BOB missions..
New Right Arm Amputee, One armed flyer and Longboard surfer, I now swim and paddle in circles .


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Re: Triggers !
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2015, 07:39:46 AM »

since my post I've conducted some "experimenting" and have found that C&C (some of it) does indeed work in HSFX.

GCI and Ground Observers/Coast Watchers work no problem (great for simulating radar).  Flak box barrage works but no sounds (but looks impressive).
GNR works (your bomber crew will call out en fighter positions).

Unfortunately the FAC doesn't work (game locks up when mission loading) and the Search And Rescue (SAR) works but locks up once you land and get close to the downed pilot (this issue has been posted previously at SAS but I haven't seen any solutions).

All that to say that certain aspects of C&C work and work well but other objects are problematic.  I didn't test any of the airborne radar or EW objects.



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Re: Triggers !
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2015, 10:22:08 AM »

Where can I find this trigger mod ? I do missions in the DCS World game and use triggers and it's the best thing ever. I've always wonder if triggers were available for IL 2 1946.


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Re: Triggers !
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2015, 09:28:41 PM »

As far as I know, "trigger" is only available as part of HSFX modpack. I would like very much if we could have a standalone trigger mod since I'm not very sympathetic to big modpacks...
v4.12+MA 5.3 - Win 7


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Re: Triggers !
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2015, 09:57:02 PM »

good stuff, thanks Tom, @ > Oscar and Oh-zee , yep, would be a bloody good stand alone to put into modact mod folder and have triggers available, I am going to try and write some triggers stuff into my mods section at the bottom of my conf ini to see what happens. (NOT much I would gather LOL. ) hey Tomoose m8, did you try triggers in only normal HSFX and not expert ? but then I suppose you would lose the uniqueness of the expert mode. only cause I know FAC works for me in non expert mode. don't know about SAR's as doing a SAR is annoying though it can be fun in very stormy channel or PTO map/s.
My problem at the moment is working out why all of a sudden I can't pick ANY planes in my Dog Fight map/s when I click on a home base. the button to pick a plane just clicks and no drop down opens. This is using  latest modact only though. ah well.. coops etc working OK multiplayer just the dog fights are gone   :\'(
looks a delete whole game in order, don't know about CUP, it looks way too fiddly to muck about with. but dammmmm, I want it ALL, everything in one game !  :o   and I want it NOW .....  ;)
all the best.

keeping the dream alive.
New Right Arm Amputee, One armed flyer and Longboard surfer, I now swim and paddle in circles .
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