After a lot of time I had to involve most of my energy to Real Life matters, I got lately a few free days and this enabled me to complete some mods that have suffered a real long delay, the present one being one of them.
Air dropped mines used in ww2 (and beyond) - an exhaustive list - most are parachute mines (sometimes quite complex like the Soviet MAV-1 that is opens first a stabilizing cover and parachute, then expels the cover to open the slowing parachute, then expels the main parachute case to open the mine third parachute) but some are dropped like bombs. They include contact mines (they will explode when the bow of a ship enters in contact with them, and influence mines (magnetic or acoustic mines - they will explode when the ship passes over or near them, the explosion being at mid-ship generally). Most of them are under the sea level but some are drifting mines with an emerging part (although most drifting mine remain also under sea level).
The main problem is the envelop of drop (min and max height, max speed) - see the included pdf chart. However, if you fly at 200m at a speed of 180-200km/h this will be fine for the overwhelming majority of these mines.
One fluvial bomb is included - the British "Waterbomb MkI/II/II" used extensively by the RAF to disrupt fluvial traffic in Holland and Germany.
Just drop these bombs (if you receive a message "Mine Did Not Arm at Entry in Water" or "Mine Damaged at Entry in Water!" well, don't expect them to detonate when a ship passes by

) but if they enter (even if you will not always receive a "good entry" when a ship will passes some time after ......) I didn't include delay, these mines become active as soon as they enter water.
If dropped over land, they will explode at random in 50% of the time (the German use of LMA and LMB in early ww2 against British target was due to their shortage in heavy blast bombs - there were a lot of duds...that helped the British to solve the mysteries of magnetic mine mechanism, beyond limiting the huge damage these mines could cause in urban surroundings)
UPDATE 13/05/15 Aerial Mines v2 update for 4.12
It includes 4 additional US mines, which java files got forgotten i the first release, though the mesh folders were present, and cod files for the following planes that get now mines added to their present array:
(also included in the !_AerialMinesCods are the meshes folder and java files correcting a mistake in the original G4M1_11 class - now the bomb bay doors are closed when small volume bombs are in it and open when large cumbersome mine or torpedoes are int - and adding hooks for the central attachment point under the fuselage of the TB3, so as to be historically correct) 14/05/15additional cod files for adding mine laying capacity to Ju-88A4 and Ju-88A17 the former _AerialMines folder and the AerialMinesDemoPlanes Folder,
Remove the entries you added to the air,ini files for the demo planes (see above)
Then just drop in your mods folder the two folders included in this new archive (_AerialMinesv2 and !_AerialMinesCods)
List of mines in the mod
AMG-1 URSS Contact Mine
MAB-1 URSS Parachute Contact Mine
MineJI Japan Parachute Contact Mine
MineJJ Japan Parachute Contact Mine
Torpedine_Beta Italy Parachute Contact Mine
Torpedine_TipoV Italy Parachute Contact Mine
WaterBomb UK Parachute Contact Mine
BM250T Germany Influence Mine
BM1000_I_1 Germany Influence Mine
BM1000_I_2 Germany Influence Mine
BM1000_I_3 Germany Influence Mine
BM1000_I_4 Germany Influence Mine
BM1000_I_T Germany Influence Mine
LMC Germany Influence Mine
LMF Germany Influence Mine
Mine_Mk13mod3 US Influence Mine
Mine_Mk13mod9 US Influence Mine
Mine_Mk12mod0a1 US Influence Mine
Mine_Mk19mod1 US Influence Mine
Mine_Mk25mod0a7 US Influence Mine
Mine_Mk36mod1a7 US Influence Mine
MineA_MkII_Tail UK Influence Mine
MineA_MkV UK Influence Mine
AMD_500 URSS Parachute Influence Mine
AMD_1000 URSS Parachute Influence Mine
BM250 Germany Parachute Influence Mine
BM1000_II_2 Germany Parachute Influence Mine
BM1000_II_3 Germany Parachute Influence Mine
BM1000_III Germany Parachute Influence Mine
BM1000_III_B Germany Parachute Influence Mine
BM1000_IV Germany Parachute Influence Mine
LMA_I Germany Parachute Influence Mine
LMA_II Germany Parachute Influence Mine
LMB Germany Parachute Influence Mine
Mine_Mk10mod6 US Parachute Influence Mine
Mine_Mk10mod9 US Parachute Influence Mine
Mine_Mk12mod1 US Parachute Influence Mine
Mine_Mk13mod9 US Parachute Influence Mine
Mine_Mk25mod0a1 US Parachute Influence Mine
Mine_Mk25mod0a4 US Parachute Influence Mine
Mine_Mk36mod1a1 US Parachute Influence Mine
Mine_Mk36mod1a4 US Parachute Influence Mine
MineA_MkI UK Parachute Influence Mine
MineA_MkIV UK / URSS Parachute Influence Mine
MineA_MkIX UK Parachute Influence Mine
MineA_MkV (P) UK / URSS Parachute Influence Mine
MineA_MkVI UK Parachute Influence Mine
MineA_MkVII UK Parachute Influence Mine
MineP1 Japan Parachute Influence Mine
The download Link
As usual:
This mod is for 4.12 and has been tested on SAS modact 5.30 (I used the Pacific Islands map and friendly cargo as targets).
This package is freeware.
This software may be freely used, copied and distributed with the following restrictions:
1) the present post must be included as a "Readme" text file.
2) DO NOT place these files anywhere that requires a fee for downloading.
3) DO NOT place any of these files in any commercial package or any CD collection without the authors consent.
Original 3dModel, Java Files, FM: Dreamk
Theses files should not cause any problems with your computer, but we accept no responsibility if you think it does.
Thanks to Oleg Maddox and Qtim for creating Il2 and opening the gates to Mod creation, to Kumpel for his matrix tool, and thanks to SAS for enabling modders to share their knowledge on Il2 modding.
HUD messages: "Mine Detonated" = contact mine exploded - "Mine Activated" = Influence mine exploded