Talking about childhood experiences, mine was in the 1950's and people today, judging by the mods
we do have on that specific time period, do not realize what a
roaring whistling experience it was to be anywhere near a jet plane.
Talk about some high pitch whistle ( from the front ) turning into a powerfull air-rush roar as they passed by...
Today it's all about turbo fans and double flux anti noise pollution tech. But back then, they did not care about such nonsense !
I lived near a CF-100 airbase, and planes with only contrails seen high above would echo like a nearby thunderstorm's aftershock.
In the sixties I had many times an Argus maritime patrol ( non jet ) fly over our house and squash my wits in a
low tone super rumble; that I will never forget.
Ten to twenty times per day it seems, a Fokker/Faichild F-27 turboprops would
screech above my home, miles off the city's airport,
making us wish the wind would turn so the traffic flew on the more distant alternate approach.

Today we barely notice planes as they
swoosh by; and that's what jets do in il2 ! They just swoosh by, like gliders with mufflers.
But there still some Hueys from nearby military base passing over from time to time, reminding me of a "Good Morming Vietnam! "
They have a quite impressive long inbound 'burrr-hummmm', and an aggressive fly by 'tuck a tuck a tuck', 'whomp, whomp, whomp' ! ( where t = f ) LOL! 
Ok: When you hear the jet sounds at the beginning and end of "Back to the USSSR", now you are a tiny bit closer to the horrific truth...