I'd like to put some facts into dimension for IL-2.
I'm currently using a GFX 550 Ti with 1GB RAM and my experience with that card on IL-2 is as follows:
Yes, it is capable to run IL-2 with max settings FullHD @60FPS under the following conditions:
- Only moderate AA settings used (2xAA or 4xAA, any 8x is out of reach) OR FXAA used
- No transparent AA used
- No big effects mods
- No missions with masses of planes visible at the same spot/same time
- According to the above mentioned line: No online gameplay
Problems arise when there are many actors visible at the same spot, same time, and some amount of effects (explosion particles and/or smoke) have to be drawn.
This happens e.g. over big cities which have been bombed, or on crowded airfields.
When that happens, FPS drops below 60FPS.
The severity varies according to the circumstances.
If it's just an effects thing, FPS usually drops in the range of 30-60FPS.
If the textures don't fit into the 1GB GPU RAM anymore (hance the GPU has to swap textures into PC RAM), FPS drops below 20.
I've seen this happening while flying with the Flying Ass Clowns online a couple of times.
The only way to "fight" these types of issues is to reduce a couple of GPU "hungry" options like Water=4 or Effects=2, and use FXAA (which is rather a soft-focus than real AA).
Looking at the Passmark list:
http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/high_end_gpus.html you can see that this is what you can expect from a 1GB card in the range of ~2000 Passmark points.
The GTX 750 is in the ~3200 Passmark points range, so it might or might not solve such type of issues. For instance with a GTX 750 you can expect still not to be able to use "real" AA features good enough to play online @60FPS. And if it "only" has 1GB RAM, you might not want to try High Res textures on crowded missions.
I looked at the GTX 770 (~6000 Passmark points) but the energy efficiency is too bad, that's why I opted for the GTX 970 (~8700 Passmark points).
Of course it's also a budget thing. Keep in mind that like rruff mentioned, the GTX 760/770/780 use the old "Kepler" architecture, that's why their energy efficiency is comparably bad.
The GTX 750 uses the same "Maxwell" architecture like the GTX 970 and 980.
Also beware when the card doesn't have GDDR5 RAM.
The GeForce GT 730 (DDR3, 64-bit) is a rebranded GeForce GT 630.
The GeForce GT 730 (DDR3, 128-bit) is a rebranded GeForce GT 430.
Additionally there are GeForce GTX 760 Ti OEM cards available which are rebranded GeForce GTX 670 ones, not too bad in itself, still I would be careful if such a GTX 760 Ti comes along "too cheap".
I personally won't opt for the budget options provided by rruff.
The GT 640 scores ~1300 Passmark points.
The GT 730 scores ~900 Passmark points.
That's way below my GTX 550 Ti (~2000 Passmark points) and I've hit the limits on IL-2 already.
Best regards - Mike