THis a recollection of all previous Skins on the Topic.
No more split up Posts, straight go ahead.
Version 5: old 3-D
version 6: New 3-D Martlets 2021
A Pack containing Grumman Martlets Mk.I and Mk.II Skins to suit latest Modifications availlable.

- Martlets Mk.I corrected
- additional Hellcat Mk.I added documentation is thin, as I did this for personal purposes first,
hence I only compiled pictorial sources and FAA's Delivery/Report Papers
on the selected Kites. I can't give squadron allocation, even if some
have the their Markings applied, as the units switched and borrowed their
aircraft in the early phase of Martlet introduction on a frequent base.
The topic is a study feast, allocate nearly all FAA Stations and Carriers
howling them would fill a page and still not help on the matter.
A change of Codes I could not trace, when they were on loan somewhere else.

80% is historical, while the 20% semihistoricals are from actual Reports.
Stock Models of Wildcats are not supported.
Tested in DBW 1.71/4.101m, other Installations at own risk...
You need to have the combination of the following 2 Mods to get
the suiting Skins. If not, see Warning...
Grumman Martlet Mk.I/Mk.II: Revised version,39272.0.htmlMartlet 3-D Update,42639.0.htmlThe late Martlets (FM) and Hellcats are suitable for their appropriate Mods (Hellcats) and
3-D upgrades by PA_Jeronimo (Engine Cowling + Wheels).
This time I included some Blanks/Generics and all come Bright finished to you.
Knochenlutscher, 2014/2021
Happy Flying....