The rest of I./JG 27, only pure historicals, after wartime pictures.

Update v.3 2021:
New historical Skin of previously unskinned 'E-7 Black 6 no.2' from around Operation Battleaxe...
Update v.4 2021:
corrections: Black 4
new historical Skins: White 4, Black 1, 11, Yellow 6 no.2 (former Stab Kite)
Update v.4.1 2021:
new historical Skin: Yellow 3
!!Only for the Trop-Filter variant on Desert Maps, not suited for stock Bf 109 E-7...!!!Long Bla-Bla:
It comes often other than expected, what Skinning can be, read in the History of this Pack.
Already in shape 4 years ago, this is the complete re-assembling.
The first I tried uploading a similar Pack on M4T around early 2010, it didn't worked for me,
at this time I had trouble with my provider. I completely forgot about it, then a HD crash struck in.
The Joy of things we never understand nor want to happen.
Having no traces of my Bf 109 Templates, after years I did it again, the Pack even grew, as more historicals came in.
Already historically and accurate skinned will be not touched again, here comes the rest, that lurks in the pictures
and might be forgotten over time.
I didn't took one sole reproduction as the base for these Skins, but collected as much copies of the actual pics I could grab. Always on the run for a better picture. This way ensuring to find neat details in pics.

It may be hilarious, but true, multiple Tactical codes occured, if we compare the true loss statistics of I.JG.27 from their arrival to re-equipment with Friedrichs.
It's just a bit of reallity. We have brief clear evidence of 3 differently marked White 7 and at least up to 4 White 6. Of these one in the Desert scheme could be in fact Yellow, but we don't want to be nitpicky, as the roll of the multiple kites carries on it's mysteries up to multiple Yellow and White coded 8.
Amongst these one is a bit of a curiosity, a White 7 completely lacking Theatre markings.
The outragous in the multiple paints, there is not only a difference in the lettering application/placement, but also according spinnertips, fuselagebands and national markings application, where subtile, I made these changes.
Only known Pilots from this Pack Espenlaub and his personal White 5 and Jochen in his unlucky Yellow 13 that was shot up over Yugoslavia. A still questionable kite is a late December 1941 crash-site of a White or Yellow 8 in unusual old Markings, found by british advancing Troops.
The crash was known to be just days before the British advance, the pilot made it back to lines, so it is very likely, the mixed up outlook of ETO and MTO kept housing Emils until the last example was poured out unserviceable. Allied found traces of servicing work, canniballizing parts on abbandoned E-7s.
Hence the theory of late pure desert looking Emils is a dream rather than reality.
I./JG 27 re-equipped to E-7/trop long before their move to the Balkans, as the first of their Geschwader, you'll find no traces of E-4 here.
I found more good pictures in Books on the general opic of North-Africa, than in any JG 27 related Literature.
Some very good shots seem to not have made it into publications too, most of british source, these show neat crash sites of different kites the unit shredded.

Some neat Info, it's not overwhelming:
Bf 109 E-7/Trop Yellow 13, Hans-Joachim Marseille, Balkans, 1941
Bf 109 E-7/Trop White 5, Albert Espenlaub, Gela/Sicily, Spring 1941
Bf 109 E-7/Trop Yellow 6, Hans-Joachim Marseille, Lybia, Spring 1941
The Rest courtesy of the unknown Pilots of the funny Group.
Fly By Shooter
All Skins are Bright finished and brought to you by
Segfej, 2014/2021
Happy flying Mates....
Sources incomplete:
JG27 Veteransites/Forums
Jagdgeschwader 27 Werner Girbig Motorbuch Verlag
Luftwaffe in Africa, 1941-1943 by Jean-Louis Roba
Jagdwaffe Vol 3 Sect 1 Strike in the Balkans April - May 1941
Jagdwaffe Vol 3 Sect 3 War over the Desert North Africa June 1940-June 1942
Jagdwaffe Vol 4 Sect 2 Mediterranian 1942-43
Osprey - Luftwaffe Fighter Units Mediterranean 1941-44
Osprey - Aircraft of the Aces 002 - Bf 109 Aces of North Africa and Meditterraean
Osprey - Aviation Elite Units 012 - Jagdgeschwader 27 'Afrika'
Osprey - Duel 38 - P-40 Warhawk vs Bf 109 MTO 1942-1944
A History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-1945 Vol. 1, 2
Luftwaffe in colour. Volume 1, The victory years, 1939-1942
Kagero Miniatury Lotnicze JG27 Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4
Aj-Press - Monografie Lotnicze Messerschmitt Me 109 (Part 1-5)
Luftwaffe im Focus
Der Adler
Flieger Revue
Avions Hors
Wydawnictwo Militaria
Wydawnictwo Kagero
tons of secondary literature used up
Luftwaffe Camouflage and Markings:
RAL Research / Luftwaffe/WW2 RAL colour specimen - HAWK-Hildesheim/Fakultät Farbdesign & Yale Library
The Official Monogram Painting Guide to German Aircraft 1935-1945 by Kenneth A. Merrick, Thomas H. Hitchcock
Luftwaffe Colours 1935 - 1945 by Michael Ullmann
Luftwaffe Camouflage 1935-40 Vol. 2-3, Kookaburra Tech. Public. -
Luftwaffe Camouflage and Markings 1933-1945, by Kenneth A. Merrick, Jürgen Kiroff
Camouflage and Markings of the Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana 1943-1945 by Ferdinando D’Amico, Gabriele Valentini
Colori E Schemi Mimetici Della Regia Aeronautica 1935-1943 parte 1, 2, 3 Umberto Postiglioni, Andrea Degl’Innocenti
Colori E Schemi Mimetici Della Regia Aeronautica 1935-1943 (II) Umberto Postiglioni, Andrea Degl’Innocenti
Real Colours of WW2 AK Press