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Author Topic: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding  (Read 65631 times)

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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #24 on: September 08, 2014, 11:00:05 AM »

First of all I would like to thank you for this handful tool, it is amazing !
I have an issue however : I get a 5% crush when I try to enable DBW 1916, even though  I have downloaded all files and patches needed for this to work.
Correct me if I am wrong, but must I have the .sfs files from DBW 1.71 as well ? Because  my logfile after the crash was full of errors saying that these kinds of files are missing. Here is an example :
Code: [Select]
ERROR sfs: SFS library (up_planes02.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: up_planes02.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (up_planes03.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: up_planes03.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (up_planes04.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: up_planes04.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (up_planes05.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: up_planes05.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (up_planes06.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: up_planes06.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_11.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_11.sfs

So is there anything else wrong ? Any means of helping are more than welcome !

Thank you in advance


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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #25 on: September 08, 2014, 11:10:42 AM »

First of all I would like to thank you for this handful tool, it is amazing !
I have an issue however : I get a 5% crush when I try to enable DBW 1916, even though  I have downloaded all files and patches needed for this to work.
Correct me if I am wrong, but must I have the .sfs files from DBW 1.71 as well ? Because  my logfile after the crash was full of errors saying that these kinds of files are missing. Here is an example :
Code: [Select]
ERROR sfs: SFS library (up_planes02.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: up_planes02.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (up_planes03.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: up_planes03.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (up_planes04.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: up_planes04.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (up_planes05.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: up_planes05.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (up_planes06.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: up_planes06.sfs
ERROR sfs: SFS library (SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_11.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_11.sfs

So is there anything else wrong ? Any means of helping are more than welcome !

Thank you in advance

Thank you for the compliments, but: yes Blackwinged!

Vpmedia and the people who compiled it baptized the pack DBW1916. The D.B.W. before 1916 means Dark Blue World, which means that it is based on DBW, so you need the files.

Basically, first be sure you have HSFX7 working, DBW working and then you will get anything of the options of the EasyPack in seconds.




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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #26 on: September 08, 2014, 11:34:02 AM »

First of all, sorry for my noobish questions that will follow, but just to make sure

I forgot to mention that I have SAS MOdAct 5.30 and not HSFX7.. Do I needsfs files from HSFX7 as well ?

And about the DBW sfs files I added them in a folder (I named it SAS_DBW) and I added it in the game folder... do I have to add the folder in jsgmemods1916v3 folder instead and do I have to activate it as well with the tool ?
And last but not least, do I need and the UP3 activators ? (because DBW is based on UP3 if I am not wrong)

Thank you again
Best Regards


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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #27 on: September 08, 2014, 01:36:38 PM »

                       98% of the information you need has been detailed. Have a look at these answers:



Short answer: you need all the SFSs. Where to put them: wherever you want, but you have to specify where.

I suggest the method of SFS_HSFX7, SFS_DBW, SFS_MODs, etc. If you use this criteria, use the .rc files ending in (AlternativeFolders).

The two lists in the second post I told you:


Explains ALL THE required SFSs. Just print out that list (the original or the alternative, whatever you want) and check what is missing for you.

As I told you: everything is detailed and written.



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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #28 on: September 08, 2014, 02:05:22 PM »

Thank you a lot I will check them out

EDIT : Finally I managed to make it work !!!I even created my own modding profile ! Thank you a lot !  One thing though is that I usually play
on Quick Mission Builder, but every time I try to access it, it says that the folder Missions/Quick (or something similar to it) is missing. How I fix this ?

Best Regards


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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #29 on: September 14, 2014, 04:19:48 AM »

Hi Pablo

Many thanks for creating the TM3-EasyPack, it seems as a very handy program!  ;D

I've now installed  and have everything up and running, but I had to move some sfs files first.

UP3: my sasup_decals_01.sfs was in the SAS_DBW folder.
From PACK-UP3(OriginalLocation).rc says:
@sfs MOUNT sasup_decals_01.sfs

The Jet war sfs I had to place in the SAS_SFS folder.

Mods.rc (from PreDBW2) says:
@sfs MOUNT SAS_SFS/sasamt_jetwar_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_SFS/sasamt_jetwar_02.sfs

For DBW 1916 I moved the folders in jsgmemods1916v3 to my #DBW_1916 folder which I use as the MODs source folder.
Is that the correct way?

I have a problem with selecting a campaign:

Somme in June 1916-Luftstreitkrafte

In some cases it shows up ok and is selectable and sometimes not:

DBW 1.71 - Show up ok
DBW1916 - Doesn't show up for selection
HSFX7 - Show up ok
MA530 - Doesn't show up for selection
PreDBW2 - Doesn't show up for selection
UP3 - Doesn't show up for selection

Any ideas what might be wrong?


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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #30 on: September 16, 2014, 04:39:51 AM »

I have a problem with selecting a campaign:

Somme in June 1916-Luftstreitkrafte

In some cases it shows up ok and is selectable and sometimes not:

DBW 1.71 - Show up ok
DBW1916 - Doesn't show up for selection
HSFX7 - Show up ok
MA530 - Doesn't show up for selection
PreDBW2 - Doesn't show up for selection
UP3 - Doesn't show up for selection

Any ideas what might be wrong?

I found the problem:
"Somme in June 1916-Luftstreitkrafte" had a info_ru.properties file and when I copied and renamed to info.properties the campaign showed up ok.
The briefing .properties files also needed renaming in the same way to display the briefing text.
So what is the reason some IL-2 packs can read the _ru.properties files and others don't?

When searching I found this info which doesn't seem correct in this case:

"If you are using a mod version it will read the _ru.properties files.
The non modded version reads the .properties files."
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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #31 on: September 16, 2014, 04:55:43 AM »

I have a problem with selecting a campaign:

Somme in June 1916-Luftstreitkrafte

In some cases it shows up ok and is selectable and sometimes not:

DBW 1.71 - Show up ok
DBW1916 - Doesn't show up for selection
HSFX7 - Show up ok
MA530 - Doesn't show up for selection
PreDBW2 - Doesn't show up for selection
UP3 - Doesn't show up for selection

Any ideas what might be wrong?

I found the problem:
"Somme in June 1916-Luftstreitkrafte" had a info_ru.properties file and when I copied and renamed to info.properties the campaign showed up ok.
The briefing .properties files also needed renaming in the same way to display the briefing text.
So what is the reason some IL-2 packs can read the _ru.properties files and others don't?

When searching I found this info which doesn't seem correct in this case:

"If you are using a mod version it will read the _ru.properties files.
The non modded version reads the .properties files."

It used to be as in your statement, but since SAS ModAct 5, Storebror introduced in Java code a normalization that takes into account your regional settings. So now it Works as it used to work the non-cracked game:

1-If you have a language definiton: first take the _language.properties where you will only have the differences of special names with special symbols.
2-All the rest (most of the definitions without special symbols) which are non present in the _language.properties are loaded from the .properties.

  So the behaviour is different. Your biggest file should be the .properties. A general solution: if you don't have one, copy the _ru.properties to the .properties and you are done with the two files (old or new 5.3 MODs will resolve the names).



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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #32 on: September 16, 2014, 06:38:16 AM »

Hello again, I would like to ask what to do show that I can run quick missions again (on both DBW 1916 and SAS ModAct 5.30)
Thank you in advance


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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #33 on: September 16, 2014, 07:48:09 AM »

Hello again, I would like to ask what to do show that I can run quick missions again (on both DBW 1916 and SAS ModAct 5.30)
Thank you in advance

The easiest answer is that you have to download the pack of Quick Missions of the second link in the latest MissionProCombo thread:




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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #34 on: September 17, 2014, 04:21:44 AM »

Thanks for the info Pablo!

For DBW 1916 I moved the folders in jsgmemods1916v3 to my #DBW_1916 folder which I use as the MODs source folder.

Is that the correct way?

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Re: Total MODder V3 (EasyPack) - SFS Creation and MODding
« Reply #35 on: September 17, 2014, 05:11:10 AM »

                it isn't. The QuickQMBPro folder goes into the Misisons folder, which is in a different path that any of your jsgmemodsXXXX. It is specified (Missions\QuickQMBPro is just the default) in the Conf.ini, but it is common for any profile, so you cannot specify different ones for different Profiles.

  Conclusioón: you don't have many options regarding this.

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