The problem is that IL-2 was born (and probably will die) with some wrong basic concept. Personally, I think first of them is having different flight models for player and AI: this is always a warranty of arguable confrontation between the two.
Players who comply, like Mort, are often derided by old hands as if they wanted an arcade game: it's not so.
Taking our fun seriously, experience of game where player and AI have same flight model, and this latter is really based on physics, teaches that AI performs only realistic maneuvers and no player has ever complained about this. Because everybody understand when something is false and there aren't "experten" who are the sole able to savor the flavor of what looks arguable to the mass.
Above mentioned game, when fiddling with its flight model, shows how it causes AI different behaviors when performing evasive maneuvers; reducing ailerons effectiveness, for instance, caused AI evading more on the vertical than by snap roll (split-S, scissors). Nobody never touched AI algorithms.
In IL-2 we're always fiddling with "AI routines", arguing if it is better AI evading by barrel roll, never-ending turning climb or other fancy aerobatics. Because IL-2 AI does not bases its own behavior on aircraft features, but on written routines.
To be honest, I play IL-2 because, all in, it's the best I have, but I see its shortcomings. I suggest to Mort to try various versions and modpacks, choosing eventually his favorite.