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Author Topic: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release  (Read 148149 times)

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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #396 on: August 31, 2019, 07:24:24 AM »

Yippee it worked. Thank you so much. You have made an oldish man very happy.
I will let you know how I get on with the NGHUD install.
Until the next bug...


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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #397 on: August 31, 2019, 09:20:27 AM »

Alas I spoke too soon. The sound file enabled the player cockpit sounds but now there is no radio chatter or other aircraft engine sounds.
The error came up
Exception E Convert Error in module DGenMOD.exe at '201610.mi' is not a valid integer value


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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #398 on: August 31, 2019, 12:27:21 PM »

Alas I spoke too soon. The sound file enabled the player cockpit sounds but now there is no radio chatter or other aircraft engine sounds.
You're right. Waiting for a fix from Asura.


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DGenPack 3.0 is released
« Reply #399 on: August 31, 2019, 02:16:17 PM »

Hello pilots!
Been busy for last two days. Yes, DGEnpack 3.0 is released at last, and all my updates you seen here for two years, in this topic, is available to play. However, DGENpack 3.0 and campaign for this version is too large and we dont have betatesters. So, after release we discovered some sad issue with English Channel and Battle of Moscow maps. We use new versions of this maps in 3.0, and i forgot to update campaign files to use this new maps. This leads to errors when generate campaigns. Now i must fixe this problem, and release small "hot-fix". Probably it takes few days.

Another problem we have is wrong work of aircraft selector. Selector doesnt switch game to some theaters of operations (Western front, for example). Of course, Asure fixe this soon.

Old issue with aircraft and game world sounds still here. I dont know technical details, but cure for this will be released only when Asura released one of next updates.

Its sad to meet all this problems, but reason is simple - there are only two guys work on DGENPack 3.0 - Asura is author of 3.0 update, and me - author of dynamic campaigns pack for 3.0. Too large project, too small number of people to work and tests all new features.

About questions, you asked here, how to install 3.0. My way to get 3.0 is:
- install stock Il-2 4.14.1. Its important - stock and clean 4.14.1 - NO ANY MODS!
- download 3.0 update (19,4 GB in 40 parts)
- install this 3.0 update on clean stock 4.14.1.
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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #400 on: September 01, 2019, 04:06:08 AM »

Hi Motorhead. As you can see from my previous messages I have installed DGen Modpack V3.0 into Il2 4.14.1 as advised and had sound problems as you are already aware of. I have not gone further as you now warn about other fixes required. I await those with eager anticipation.
Will all the earlier dcg campaigns have to be amended to work with 4.14.1 or would it be better to add them to a 4.13.4 version.
I appreciate the tremendous amount of work it takes to develop both the mod and the campaigns. Months if not years of programming. I thank you and Asura for your efforts in helping this good community enjoy a further immersion of flying this great game.
I look forward to eventually being shot down in many of your campaigns lol


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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #401 on: September 01, 2019, 04:11:04 AM »

Hi Motorhead. Sorry I meant Dgen Mod not dcg campigns.


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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #402 on: September 01, 2019, 02:43:39 PM »

Will all the earlier dcg campaigns have to be amended to work with 4.14.1 or would it be better to add them to a 4.13.4 version.
If you mean my dynamic campaigns, released in previous DGENpack updates, of course, they will work on 3.0. However, in this really large project anything can happens, and i dont have beta-testers, so please let me know about any issues.

Months if not years of programming.
Sure, this is not months) I begin work on dynamic campaigns in 2012 ;)

I look forward to eventually being shot down in many of your campaigns lol
My intention is to let you play in most realistic and detailed campaign, not to shot down you)) I mean, there is not so many really "hard to survive" missions, except few cases, like Battle of Midway for torpedo plane pilot, for example.
Ain't a hope in hell, nothing's gonna bring us down, The way we fly, five miles off the ground, It's a Bomber!


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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #403 on: September 03, 2019, 12:23:17 PM »

Hi Motorhead. I will let you know of any bugs I come across during my flights.
Is there a list of your campaigns to be found and where to download them or are they included in v3.0 already. I checked my career screen but there were no IJA careers listed and no reference to USMC careers for example.
Keep up the good work. It is much appreciated.


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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #404 on: September 04, 2019, 01:41:35 AM »

are they included in v3.0 already. I checked my career screen but there were no IJA careers listed and no reference to USMC careers for example.
Yes, all my campaigns at the moment is include in 3.0. However, now i'm working on small patch to make them compatibe with new Channel maps from 3.0. This is the thing i forgot to do when prepare 3.0 campaigns pack. Just wait few days :)
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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #405 on: September 04, 2019, 07:56:43 AM »

Thank you Motorhead I will be patient. It might help you to know there are several blanks in the career menu. Does this mean they will be completed later on or are they somewhere else in the files.
The countries that are blank are
Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, France (Vichy), Greece, Hungary, IJA, Legion Condor, Legionary Air Force, Peoples Republic of China, Poland, Republic of China, South Korea, Spanish Nationalists, Spanish Republicans, UN NATO (6 AFS), Yugoslavia.
The 148 campaigns that are listed for the other Air Forces look very interesting.
The campaign Khalkhyn Gol 1939 is listed under VVS but not IJA. Does this mean you can only fly the Russian side.
These are meant as constructive comments to help you with a tremendous task of sorting the material out. I realise it is a huge job and I will help if and where I can.


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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #406 on: September 04, 2019, 10:45:48 AM »

Hi again Motorhead. I added v3.0 to 4.14.1 which included a half finished career Luftwaffe Fighter South which was not listed in your Germany career screen. . I flew the next mission out of curiosity but although it completed (with silent cockpit) it did not save it. You probably already know this but I thought I might confirm it.


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DGenPack 3.0 is released
« Reply #407 on: September 05, 2019, 02:25:05 AM »

The countries that are blank are
Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, France (Vichy), Greece, Hungary, IJA, Legion Condor, Legionary Air Force, Peoples Republic of China, Poland, Republic of China, South Korea, Spanish Nationalists, Spanish Republicans, UN NATO (6 AFS), Yugoslavia.
Some of this countries is in the future plans. For example, Vichy, IJA and Poland. Main problem - i have not enough time in real life to work on campaigns. I must work to get the money to buy a food))

The campaign Khalkhyn Gol 1939 is listed under VVS but not IJA. Does this mean you can only fly the Russian side.
Of course, Khalkhyn Gol campaign, when it will be completed, available both for russians and japs. But i don't know when :)

Hi again Motorhead. I added v3.0 to 4.14.1 which included a half finished career Luftwaffe Fighter South which was not listed in your Germany career screen. . I flew the next mission out of curiosity but although it completed (with silent cockpit) it did not save it. You probably already know this but I thought I might confirm it.
Sorry, i dont understand. What do you mean "it did not save it". DGEn not generate next mission for you?
Ain't a hope in hell, nothing's gonna bring us down, The way we fly, five miles off the ground, It's a Bomber!
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