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Author Topic: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release  (Read 146195 times)

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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2014, 07:41:53 AM »

Guys, are you installed my campaign to clean HSFX 7.02? Campaign, and mini modpack will work only with clean HSFX 7.02.
Language can be switched in "DGen_mod.ini" file, in root folder of your HSFX, in last line must be written next:
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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2014, 10:39:34 AM »

Well, I must confess that I have one ore two maps more than in a clean HSFX7.02 that I installed so I could play some Boelcke's campaign, but nothing more. But I think I found a trick: if I rename for example the "campaignsIN1_ru.dat" to "
campaignsIN1.dat" and the "campaignsIN1.dat" to "campaignsIN1_ru.dat", I can now see the so called "* Imperial Japanese Navy Carrier Fighter" into my selecting screen of the campaigns, same for the sub-campaign selecting screen: everything's in english. I guess that if I do the same for every "campaignXX.dat" it'll work too, but I fear to screw up something else :P
Anyway thank's again: played 3 missions yesterday and they where pretty cool!


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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2014, 10:43:06 AM »

This campaign looks great! Does it work with other mods such as SAS ModAct and/or TFM-412?


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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #15 on: July 02, 2014, 11:57:17 AM »

Language=English will not work.  I tried it.  That line only affects mission briefs.  I guess the campaign is taking Campaignxxx_ru.dat files by default.  I'll also try Baffrah's trick, but there are files to be changes. :-X


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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #16 on: July 02, 2014, 01:46:35 PM »

I really notice it only now: i had ";Language=English" in dgen_mod.ini, and see russian briefs :D but for me it's normal, and i never think about this as a problem  ;D
Tomorrow i try to resolve this problem.

to ricnunes: i don't know, will be my campaign work with SAS ModAct, and i never know what is "TFM-12"  :D
Probably, if you have in your SAS ModAct all maps, aircrafts and ships used in "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo", campaign must work.
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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #17 on: July 02, 2014, 02:40:00 PM »

Well, I think the ";Language=English" option is for the mission's briefings only, where ";" is set to disable the fonction. If I have that in my DGenMod.ini file, I get russians briefings when a mission is loaded. If I erase the ";" sign, they are in english. Nothing to do with the campaign's choise set in the campaign selection screen. I confirm I could fix this issue with my upper trick.
Another "bug" I had: with your "mod" folder in my Il2 directory, I get strange stuff into the Ki43 cockpits (every version). I fixed it by renaming the folder "mods/F1Mv1.01/3do/Cockpit/Ki-43" to ".../F1M". The inside cockpit view of F1M is awfull, but I didn't test it before fixing the ki43 one's. The version for this plane into your "mod" file is 1.01, and the one provided by your single link is 2.0. (according to respective "read me" files). If I applied the 2.0 version into my "mod" files, erasing the one you provided, as I did for "DIffFM"'s problem, I got another 60% loading error. But as I'll be more flying the Ki43 than the F1M, I don't care about it for now. Enough computering. Let's go back to Philipines, in late 1941...  ;)


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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #18 on: July 03, 2014, 04:53:58 AM »

Ok, if you want change briefings language to English, in DGen_mod.ini need delete ";" symbol before Language=English.
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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #19 on: July 03, 2014, 08:00:28 AM »

Yeah, I agree with Baffrah.  Just delete existing campaignxxx_ru files and rename campaignxxx to campaignxxx_ru. 

Also for motor, Jap navy and USN campaigns are great.  The progression from one to next is great and historically accurate.  However, I find USAAF campaigns are little wanting.  Most of them end in Philipines.  I wish we could see B-29 bomber escort mission to bomb Japanese mainland.  Or the Kyushu campaign.  Or Okinawa or Iwo Jima campaigns.  I guess probably there is no such big maps to have from Guam to Iwo or Japanese mainland.


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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2014, 08:22:40 AM »

Basicalic, I think there are some B29 escort over Japan ready into the moded version of the campaign, using the "Kanto (Iwo-Jima - Tokyo) map by RealDarko". Unfortunatly, when a try to generate this campaign, nothing happens. Same with every "Rabaul", "Salomons" and "Guadalkanal" ones. It's not a map/plane problem, as I'm able to load both Kanto (wich seems to be a huuuge map from Iwo Jima to Japan!!!) and Rabaul map via the FMB, and to fly every new planes installed via the Motorhead's mods folder (except the cockpit problem for Ki51).
Now, if I look to the "Dgen_modERROR.log" generated after one of those failures, the last lines of it are always something like:
Can't parse message line: <Tokyo1945FDb><The desperate resistance of the Japanese fighter remnants was finally broken, when <Mustangs>, escorting heavy B-29s, appeared over Tokyo. At the same time, many crews of damaged bombers could escape, having landed on Iwo Jima. Thus, heavy losses of Marines during the capture of the island were paid off. Continuous raids of heavy bombers on Tokyo and other cities, as well as attacks of carrier-based aircraft, led to almost complete disappearance of enemy fighters, which during July and August 1945 were very rarely seen in the sky over Japan. On 6 and 9 August 1945 bombers of the 393-rd Bombardment Squadron destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki by atomic bombs, a new weapons of an unprecedented force. After that even the Japanese fanatics realized the futility of resistance, and on August 15, Emperor Hirohito announced the surrender of all Imperial troops. The war is finally over.>

This one for a Tokyo campaign. If I look now into the "messageEn.dat" or the "messageRu.dat" from the DGen Motorhead's archive, I cannot indeed find any of the incriminated lines.
Here's what is says when trying to generate the Rabaul1942 campaign for USN:

Can't parse message line: <Rabaul1942Br>(nJA)<February 1942.\n\n1 February 1942, the Americans commenced their first strike during the Pacific war, attacking our bases in the Marshall Islands. It is now clear that the peaceful period is over. The Naval base at Rabaul is our main center in the South-Eastern Pacific, so the enemy will show an interest of it in the nearest future. To strengthen the base, on 14 and 17 February bombers from Air Group <Gensan> were deployed on the airfield of Wunakanau in Rabaul. The aircraft joined the recently formed 4-th Air Group. Fears of Staff of the Fleet have proved feasible. This morning, 20 February, a flying boat of the Air Group <Yokohama> has spotted the enemy fleet: at least one large aircraft carrier escorted by a large number of cruisers and destroyers. No doubt, the Americans are going to attack Rabaul. We immediately take off to attack the enemy ships and show them, who rules the sea!>

M'I the only one to have that problem? What did I missed?
Anyway I'm going to try a P40 Aleutains campaign later today: this one works, and I love this map!


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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #21 on: July 03, 2014, 02:04:44 PM »

Yeah, I agree with Baffrah.  Just delete existing campaignxxx_ru files and rename campaignxxx to campaignxxx_ru.
Try this: in DGen_mod.ini delete ";" symbol before Language=English.

Also for motor, Jap navy and USN campaigns are great.  The progression from one to next is great and historically accurate.  However, I find USAAF campaigns are little wanting.  Most of them end in Philipines.  I wish we could see B-29 bomber escort mission to bomb Japanese mainland.  Or the Kyushu campaign.  Or Okinawa or Iwo Jima campaigns.  I guess probably there is no such big maps to have from Guam to Iwo or Japanese mainland.
USAAF fighter campaigns, both 5th and 13th AF, in campaign mod version ended at Iwo-Jima, with VLR (very long range) escort missions to Tokyo area. Campaign not just named "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo"  ;)

Basicalic, I think there are some B29 escort over Japan ready into the moded version of the campaign, using the "Kanto (Iwo-Jima - Tokyo) map by RealDarko". Unfortunatly, when a try to generate this campaign, nothing happens. Same with every "Rabaul", "Salomons" and "Guadalkanal" ones. It's not a map/plane problem, as I'm able to load both Kanto (wich seems to be a huuuge map from Iwo Jima to Japan!!!) and Rabaul map via the FMB, and to fly every new planes installed via the Motorhead's mods folder (except the cockpit problem for Ki51).
Now, if I look to the "Dgen_modERROR.log" generated after one of those failures, the last lines of it are always something like:
Can't parse message line: <Tokyo1945FDb><The desperate resistance of the Japanese fighter remnants was finally broken, when <Mustangs>, escorting heavy B-29s, resistance, and on August 15, Emperor Hirohito announced the surrender of all Imperial troops. The war is finally over.>

This one for a Tokyo campaign. If I look now into the "messageEn.dat" or the "messageRu.dat" from the DGen Motorhead's archive, I cannot indeed find any of the incriminated lines.

M'I the only one to have that problem? What did I missed?

Anyway I'm going to try a P40 Aleutains campaign later today: this one works, and I love this map!

I try all this campaigns now. Rabaul, Solomons, Guadalkanal, late war Tokyo operations, and all of them generated succesfully, both for USAAF and japs.
Dgen not use "messageEn.dat" or the "messageRu.dat" files for big briefings in the beginning of campaign. This briefings is only in "Tokyo1945FMsgEn.dat" or "Rabaul1942MsgEn" files.
Do you use last DGEn.exe versions?
Please, check your campaign installation, all files is in correct folders?
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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2014, 02:17:24 PM »

to ricnunes: i don't know, will be my campaign work with SAS ModAct, and i never know what is "TFM-12"  :D
Probably, if you have in your SAS ModAct all maps, aircrafts and ships used in "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo", campaign must work.

Thanks for the reply.  :)


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Re: "Pearl Harbor - Tokyo" V2.0 release
« Reply #23 on: July 03, 2014, 04:14:04 PM »

Quote from Motorhead:
Dgen not use "messageEn.dat" or the "messageRu.dat" files for big briefings in the beginning of campaign. This briefings is only in "Tokyo1945FMsgEn.dat" or "Rabaul1942MsgEn" files.

Bingoooo! Thank's for this answer, I think I found something else...
I'm sure I get the latest DGen version (, released a few days ago by Asura), and every good files in good place. Now, guess what:
Following your example with "Tokyo1945FMsgEn.dat", I renamed this file it into "Tokyo1945FMsgRu.dat", and... now those late war campaigns are loading! I guess it's the same kind of problem I faced with the "campaignxxx" files. Probably because you are using a russian version of Il2 or something, and me an european one. So, I guess that if I rename every "xxxMsgEn" files from your campaign to "xxxMsgRu", everything will work. I'll try it tomorrow. (The bonus question is: why are some campaigns working as they are now, and why others don't???)
But let me say that every missions I was able to fly from now where just amazing fun, thank again!
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