For what it's worth, some time ago I made a new texture for the coconut trees and palms used in many tropical maps. It makes the palms a bit more lush green and obviously the increased resolutions make additional detail possible.
HT_PalmTrees_2014-04-21.7zInstallation: Copy one of the directories (512, 1024 or 2048) into your mod directory (MODS or #SAS depending on your installation).
The 7Z file contains the texture in 2048², 1024² and 512² resolutions. The 512² version should work on any mod installation and is included for backward compatibility reasons; not exactly sure if the 1024² will require the High Resolution mod, but the 2048² will definitely require it.
Here's how the texture looks at original resolution (2048², click to enlarge):

These screenshots were taken using the 1024² resolution.

I haven't noticed any palm-tree related slowdowns with my hardware (i5-2500K, GTX660Ti 2GB), but the 1024² version is definitely sufficient for everything except very close viewing distances, and if you get very close the crudeness of the palm 3D models themselves will make the trees look fairly bad no matter what the texture resolution is.
All feedback is greatly appreciated. Enjoy!