Hi everyone. New forum member here, but old IL-2 fan. (played with longer pauses for the last couple of years)
I own a Steam version currently, but got started with the CD version of this great game. Played vanilla, then shortly UP3rc4, and now discovered the exqusite ModAct on this page, since I prefer to follow the original patches. I usually fly full real except for my own external view and HUD icons + speed bar.
I hope it's okay if I post a couple of questions here. (4.12.2 + Modact 5.3)
1) Firstly, what's the deal with the supercharger? I'm currently flying the F4U and I notice considerable manifold pressure gains if I toggle to speed 2 immediately at ground level. If more MP = more engine power, are there any side effects in switching to speed 2 right from the start and not at recommended 2000m?
2) How do I report enemy planes to my (AI) squad if I see them first? It says in the manual that you have to center the view on them, but nothing usually happens if I do so. And what does the W:Bandits command in the radio menu do?
3) Can you tell me anything about any virtual squads/clans that accept new members and play something cooperative online? I never really tried online play. Do you think I should maybe host my own coop mission in HL and see if anyone is interested? I like objective oriented missions instead of the usuall dogfights for points.
Thanks for your time.