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Author Topic: Stalingrad summer - retextured, retowned, revillaged  (Read 50584 times)

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Re: Stalingrad summer - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #96 on: April 20, 2014, 02:12:35 PM »

Great site solotk! But I have another ambicion - I want to do it without any MOD-no objects, no writing to static.ini, no problems with instalation and saving missons... grain elevator I created from 2 objects from Slovakia pak I think...:)


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Re: Stalingrad summer - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #97 on: April 20, 2014, 03:42:50 PM »

That is the path of greatest efficiency Cyberolas. Concentrate on the map, and no doubt some modders will create or add models, without you slowing down or compromising your artwork.

Have you done a search for Stalingrad on that site? There are a good few reference photos!


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Re: Stalingrad summer - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #98 on: April 20, 2014, 03:49:37 PM »

Yes, I have ever seen this place. But right now I try to find many informations about Pitomnik - I can see discussion on BOS site and so one. We have no one aerial photo of Pitomnik - so famous airfield!!! We know that there were two concrete runways, but shape???


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Re: Stalingrad summer - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #99 on: April 21, 2014, 05:02:23 AM »

But right now I try to find many informations about Pitomnik

tried to find some pics, no success so far.
What is strange, it was a imortant airfield with (6-edge ?) concret runway(s),
light system, etc. but no areal pic. ..  :-X
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Re: Stalingrad summer - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #100 on: April 21, 2014, 05:22:23 AM »

How do we know it had concrete runways? When were they laid? All the overheads I can find for areas around GUMRAK (Yeah I tried looking for Putomnik first) for an extended view, show what is a cleared site to the ESE of Gumrak, no all weather runways, no lighting. I haven't got my copy of Antony Beevor's Stalingrad at the moment, but I'm sure there's a mention about lack of night abilities in the airfields severly restricting the tonnage into the pocket. I may be wrong though.


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Re: Stalingrad summer - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #101 on: April 21, 2014, 05:30:35 AM »

That post at Axishistory looks great. Very nice modeling in 3D.
Thanks for the tip, we could all use that as a reference.

I do not believe we have exactly the same thing in the IL2-1946 as static objects, but the many other buildings and object pieces we
do have can very well create the same thing, or at least a very close look to that.
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Re: Stalingrad summer - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #102 on: April 21, 2014, 05:44:15 AM »

How do we know it had concrete runways?
read russian sites about this. I used google translator.
There they say that this concrete was "stolen" after the war
as nobody cared for this airfield anymore. So today you will fiind
nothing there.

Facilities for Night flying (lights) at Pitomnik is reported ie by Wehrmacht
when they considered how to supply the encircled 6th army.:
24-11-42: Für den Versorgungseinsatz kommt jedoch nur Pitomnik in Frage, denn dieser Platz eignet sich für den Flugbetrieb auch bei Nacht.
~ trans: "For supplying 6.th army only Piromnik could be used
as it is suitable for flight operations at night."

etc.  ;)
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Re: Stalingrad summer - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #103 on: April 21, 2014, 05:49:43 AM »

Hear Hear Max! It's not so much about eye candy, it's how it's presented and utilised, within the limitations of the engine, and user PC.

Look how much goodness is still being squeezed out of the mighty European Air War (1998) . Of course, that has the advantage of having the source code released. Maybe one day Oleg and Ubi will gift the source code to the community, especially if the case was made they'd sell more copies of the game? Key to that, would be the quality of the mods, objects and maps produced as a result.

Gerax, the runways stolen thing may be right, as it would be used in rebuilding as hardcore.Mind you, they had plenty of that from rubble :( The same thing happened in the UK, to the old 8th AF airfields, to provide hardcore for the M25 and M1 motorways.  Stalingrad did expand dramatically after the war , so building material would have been in great demand. Especially if you're going to build a hoofing great statue on a hill too!

How long would night lighting have been used? I imagine it would get very dicey once the Soviets had Artillery in range. I've tried looking for Pitomnik, even previous to this conversation, as I'm a rabid Aviation Archaeology head, but no joy at all :(



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Re: Stalingrad summer - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #104 on: April 21, 2014, 06:04:19 AM »

I also like it to find and examine this historical places.  :D

As I said, try to use google translator.
I searched for Pitomnik (or "Kennel") using cyrilic name and fonts I copied from Wiki Russian Potemnik page in Google Web/pics search and found a lot of useful threads wich I read with translator.

For Google Earth users I found very interesting kmz files
where you will see most Russian/German/Finish airfields at this time.
Find it here:
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Re: Stalingrad summer - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #105 on: April 21, 2014, 06:24:43 AM »

I do the same Gerax. If you want to know information about a place, try asking Google in the language of that nation. Many many more results :)

However, how can an airfield capable of landing laden Condors, disappear so completely with concrete runways. Even the runways totally removed in the UK, still have outlines of runways left.

Was Pitomnik concrete, or was it brick and asphalt , as used in a lot of German/Russian construction? If it was Asphalt over brick, with wooden underlay, I can totally see the whole thing disappearing after a couplke of hard winters. That said, remains of brick buildings and bases are still on Pitomnik. Pitomnik is a mystery as regards what was there.


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Re: Stalingrad summer - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #106 on: April 21, 2014, 07:07:04 AM »

If you stare at something long enough it soon becomes apparent. Also, there are no straight lines in nature :)

Photocentred  48°53'52.74"N  43°49'0.87"E   Image 8/20/2011 Google Earth.

I'd say Pitomnik was a classic Triangle layout , you can trace the triangle from the top right. Laid out like some of their airfields in Tunisia.


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Re: Stalingrad summer - retextured, retowned, revillaged
« Reply #107 on: April 21, 2014, 07:59:07 AM »

Thank you Gerax, this collection is super! I read about airfield Tusovo, 32 km near Kalach, don´t you know where this airfield is?
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