New to this site,been researching/learning all i can about Il-2 '46. Been into combat flight sims since Lucas Art's sim,CFS1,2 and now CFS3-(8 different,heavily modded versions) ,OFF1&2, complete Third Wire series ,Flaming Cliffs and more. I have Il-2 '46 ,but due to complicated modding procedures and steep learning curve, i grew tired of it and quit many years ago. Now i'm back to give it another try! What is a torrent and seeding ,(never got into file sharing if this is what it is) ? Lost with all the acronyms thrown around.CFS3 is way easier to mod ,aircraft modeling is tedious in CFS3 but a/c installs,missions,complete theaters/versions and more are easy and Third Wire is open too. All i want from a Il-2 '46 patch is more accurate FM's, correct German a/c markings,good/realistic AI,easy/powerful single player mission/campaign builders, good graphics and a no DVD exe.Hope this patch is the answer,or at least a good start! What is CUP and SAS Mod Act ?Do i need them for adding ,additional/true ,WWII aircraft? Not interested in having a bunch of skins and only real WWII aircraft and late war a/c,(Meteor,Me-163,Me-262...),is of interest,experimental a/c might be ok. How well will this patched Il-2 '46 perform with my trusty,maxed out, Dell XP rig with 3 gig ram,mid level Nvidia 1 gig video card and intel P-4 cpu ? What kind of FPS can i expect with my XP rig ? By late summer i'll be able to self-build a very high end,( Win.7 64 bit ultimate OS,Itel i7,dual high-end Nvidia GTX 4 gig video cards,32 gig memory and more), gaming rig that will handle any combat flight sim ,now and in the future,at max settings.Should I wait till then to install or take the plunge now? Any help/advice would be appreciated ,Thanks