Hello guys, I conducted a few tests with this mod so just for your info.

The F-84 aircraft were removed from the java just to see if they were a issue, still the same.
I removed all the static entries I have associated with the mod but left the pack with the java in place
and loaded the game to see if maybe there was a issue from the entries, the F-84 Thunderstreak and
Fiat G-91 still show only bombs on two pylons, nothing else in my game seems to have issues.
I was told the F-100 suffers the same problem, not for me though as far as I can tell or any other
of the jets in game, A-6, A-4, F-4, F-16, you name it no issue.
Nothing has been reported for the WWI or WWII aircraft with this mod in the game.
As has previously been reported removing the mod completely restores those missing weapons.
Next I downloaded a few of the earlier versions of the mod going back as far as 2013, adding each in
turn and trying the affected aircraft again and the same issue of missing armaments on the two aircraft
is present even back to my java from 2013!
I still do not believe the stationary mod is the issue, it has been in use back as far as the release of the
4.12.2 patch from TD, it has been part of CUP and BAT and there have never been any reports of this
happening until the addition of the G-91.
Generally static mods are inert as far as affecting the game, they will crash it if the wrong entries are used
but that is it, essentially they show what is in the mod aircraft folder.
There is no doubt removing the stationary mod restores the bombs, however, I am at a loss to understand
just what causes this issue.
Anyway, consider the version in the first post to be the last, your choice as to whether you use it or remove
your existing one.
I see no point in removing the mod from use because of what appears to be two particular aircraft types but
eclipse has already declared it is full so cannot be added to, I could remove somethings but what?
Going forward any request for static aircraft will be done as SSP, thread here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,48542.0.htmlTake care.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.