Hello Uzin,
Going by the link that Chankalus posted, I believe that the colour pictures refer to war crimes committed by SS and Wehrmacht forces in September 1941, near Kiev.
"Er [Johannes Karl Haehle] ist der Fotograf, der eine der vielleicht wichtigsten Bilderserien des Zweiten Weltkriegs aufnahm. Am 29. und 30. September 1941 ermordeten SS-Männer des Sonderkommandos 4a, unterstützt von der Wehrmacht, in der Schlucht von Babij Jar am Stadtrand von Kiew 33.771 jüdische Männer, Frauen und Kinder - eines der größten Massaker des Holocaust. Und es war der PK-"Bildberichter" Johannes Hähle, der die Spuren dieses unbeschreiblichen Verbrechens festhielt - in Farbe, auf Agfacolor, in insgesamt 29 Bildern."
"He [Johannes Karl Haehle] is the photographer, who created perhaps one of the most important picture sequences of the Second World War. On September 29 and 30, 1941, SS troops from special detachment 4a, with support from Wehrmacht forces, murdered 33.771 Jewish men, women and children in the Babij Jar gorge, on the outskirts of Kiev - one of the largest massacres of the Holocaust. And it was propaganda photographer Johannes Haehle, who documented the traces of this indescribable crime, in colour, on Agfacolor film, in a total of 29 images."
I know that politics is off limits in this forum. However, Uzin asked and this is an important part of what the article says that Chanklaus linked to. I just wanted to include it for the record.