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Author Topic: MiG-21PF/PFM/FL 'Fishbed-D/F' - v1.1 + Vegas V2.1  (Read 204790 times)

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Re: MiG-21PF/PFM/FL 'Fishbed-D/F' - v1.1 + Vegas V2.1
« Reply #684 on: September 19, 2015, 09:07:50 AM »

Hello Vega:
Thanks for the update, I send you a smaller report, keep in mind this is what I saw and other users may well have different results, plus feel free to keep making it how you feel it is correct. I did not write this to annoy you but to contribute. Some effects I really like much.

I only mentioned Gs at it is impossible to test planes without including this, even if it is repetitive and the argument was disputed back and forth..

Took care to make it as balanced as I could. The one thing I found remarkable was that the PF version flew different than the 2 others, and to my taste better as well with less overdriven dogfight characteristica. :P
In RL; the Mig-21 PF is regarded the best dogfighter out of the entire Mig-21 series.

Best Regards



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Re: MiG-21PF/PFM/FL 'Fishbed-D/F' - v1.1 + Vegas V2.1
« Reply #685 on: September 22, 2015, 01:47:17 PM »

I would like to add I made a number of cockpit options available over time...

Once available here (one link is the base and the other an update):

A bit confusing, but only another update:

The last link only adds a few more options such as a blue turquoise PFM cockpit.

Here is something I came up with these days, palying a bit with lighting effects on textures:
Also nailed down the erratic mirror shadow on the canopy reflection of the Mig-21PFM.

All for PFM version

No worries the canopy mesh is untouched, that is only my personal "sports car privately owned non war" jet.  :P



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Re: MiG-21PF/PFM/FL 'Fishbed-D/F' - v1.1 + Vegas V2.1
« Reply #686 on: September 22, 2015, 02:21:04 PM »

No working radar?

Vlada SD

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Re: MiG-21PF/PFM/FL 'Fishbed-D/F' - v1.1 + Vegas V2.1
« Reply #687 on: September 23, 2015, 08:16:35 AM »

Radar do not work.


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Re: MiG-21PF/PFM/FL 'Fishbed-D/F' - v1.1 + Vegas V2.1
« Reply #688 on: September 23, 2015, 10:49:01 AM »

The radar can be brought back in, all versions of cockpits default or with add-on #_Mig-21 folders.

On the versions I use I disabled the radar for good reasons-it porks the 3D on the upper left knobs.
If you want the radar to work, either redownload the default package and put the entire cockpit in place of the Mig-21/3Do/Cockpit/Mig-21PFM...
Or simply deactivate:
#_Mig-21 with an "-" in front, a minus sign. Or delete it. ;)

You can also use these files


Put- if you downloaded one of my upgrades, into

A hier.him files always goes into the cockpit parent folder.

If you fly the default package as of the latest upgrades, you have the radar.

For less docile members, here the safety version for all sorts of installs.
If you have a #_Mig-21 folder -this one loads first (that was the name of an earlier upgrade by SAS~S3 and as well of my pit add-on options):

Take this and overwrite for the radar to be back in:

If you have the default folder structure aka only a Mig-21 folder and still issues:

Take this and overwrite:

Hope that helps.

If in doubt, delete my add on and redownload the entire package, delete the old folder. The ini entries and plane entries of course you keep as you only replace folders.

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