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Author Topic: QMBPro and Carrier Ops (Scramble)  (Read 4521 times)

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Neil Lowe

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QMBPro and Carrier Ops (Scramble)
« on: May 07, 2013, 03:27:37 AM »

Hi Guys,

Is the map "Coral Sea" the only map you can have (player) carrier take-offs (Scramble) in QMBPro? I've tried setting up carrier ops on the Korea maps and others but it doesn't seem to work. The plane either starts in the air or explodes under the carrier/sinks.

Using DBW 1.71

Any help is appreciated  8)

Cheers, Neil :)


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Re: QMBPro and Carrier Ops (Scramble)
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2013, 09:04:26 AM »

Hi Neil
i stand under correction, but i think the QMB carrier missions need to use a map that has no airbases, so that it then uses the carriers. it might also have to be a Pacific map, but i'm not 100% sure of these facts, unfortunately.

oh - just to rule out the obvious, though - you are setting it up correctly, ie: assigning the carrier as the 'target' for first waypoint?
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)

Neil Lowe

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Re: QMBPro and Carrier Ops (Scramble)
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2013, 02:55:59 AM »

Hi Malone,

Yep, all set up ok - same as the flights on the Coral Sea scramble missions. It makes sense though why the others don't work...Hmm  ;)

Thx for the info  8)

Cheers, Neil :)


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Re: QMBPro and Carrier Ops (Scramble)
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2013, 10:50:10 AM »

Have you circled the carrier as a "target" for the take off waypoint?


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Re: QMBPro and Carrier Ops (Scramble)
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2014, 01:03:27 PM »

Basicly as far as I know it mustn't be a PTO Map, I tweaked my Malta Missions to get
a convoy scramble from USS Wasp and HMS Eagle, no prob after all. If waypoint for landing switches to nearest base,
simply drag it near the carrier, assign target for T/O to the carrier.
Keep in mind the Airfield radius as such, I don't have the
value, but it needs only tinkering to get it in the right distance, like an off base mass-scramble in the vast plain desert.
You can even have funny things like a Carrier in a lake, somewhere in the pampa and T/O there.
A hint for multiple squad scramble in QMB, somehow I haven't found a way to assign my squad to T/O in first line or
I missed sth., the more squads you add the longer you must wait.
Flybys Startpoints near/over Carriers, please assign a higher height at start and ensure the next waypoint is to, AI loves to
do Kamikaze runs and ditch in stupid manner, if left by default in random behaviour.

Plane starts in the air, means Waypoint forgotten to assign to carrier.
Exploding plane at start, sth. isn't working fluently, waypoint assigned, but either lines in conf.ini [Mods] section forgotten or engine Mod installed over plain DBW. My ears shackle when you speak about planes exploding at start, that could be a Carrier T/O bug, if you have Engine Mod in DBW,
disable it with a - in front, then see if it acts the same in your vanilla DBW. If yes, you either forgot to add some lines to conf.ini or your install is crippled, I had it recently too.
In a plain vanilla DBW ensure you have the [Mods] section enabled in your conf.ini to boost the Carrier stuff. I assume you forget about this,
i.e. the folded wingsAI stuff, read the documentation in Engine Mod to add lines or do a search here.
In a plain DBW all works fine, exploding plane could also be a the Java wall when memory is full, my install bears sth. over 2,5, this is a value where I could get it depending on the Map, Agraciers or other hd Maps get me exploding start-ups.
Hope this helps
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Re: QMBPro and Carrier Ops (Scramble)
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2014, 01:15:33 PM »

I tweaked my Malta Missions to get a convoy scramble from USS Wasp and HMS Eagle, no prob after all. If waypoint for landing switches to nearest base,
simply drag it near the carrier, assign target for T/O to the carrier.

Can you post this mission(s) please?  :)
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Re: QMBPro and Carrier Ops (Scramble)
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2014, 01:29:57 PM »

No Prob, but atm. I'm not at home, sitting in an i-café, must wait till tomorrow.
I'll prepare the files for you, if you want you can test fire the Mass-scramble too.
Best regards
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Re: QMBPro and Carrier Ops (Scramble)
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2014, 01:31:09 PM »

Many thanks. looking forward to it Knoche!  :)
And of course I want to test the mass scramble...  ;)
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Re: QMBPro and Carrier Ops (Scramble)
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2014, 12:15:56 PM »

Sorry for the long wait, but I tried to examine some issues.
Don't use Martlets, they are crippled for Carrier T/O, unleast we get a Patch solving the issue.
All others I tested.
A row of CV T/O Missions to go to your QMB Pro.
Important note:
Tested in DBW 1.71 only, HMS Eagle Mod required.


Carrier Take Offs in QMB are possible on every Map, it only needs coded Water, where you can place a ship, let it be an Ocean, a River, a Lake, a Swamp, or a cup of tea.
i.e. Lac Leman on Alps_East isn't coded, this is painted land, water on a Map isn't exactly water, first fire up FMB and try placing ships.
Carrier and Mistel Take-OFFs are not limited to a modded Install only, it's possible in vanilla IL-2 too. Though Mistel Scramble's are limited to Player-only, as AI isn't coded the Take Off behaviour, AI-Mistels are Airstart only.
Ingame AI-Mistel setups on a runway are stationary Targets with moving propellor, but beware when straffing.
To learn about Player-only Misel-T/O in QMB, use search function in this Forum.
Here some showcase Missions,
please ensure you have at least DBW 1.71, Mission ProPAL and HMS Eagle Mod installed.

Missions are Red side only:

Malta Convoy T/O from USS Wasp
Malta Convoy T/O from HMS Eagle
Malta Seaplane T/O
Norway Convoy T/O + Carrier Strike*
Narvik Convoy T/O + Carrier Strike*
Murmansk Convoy T/O from HMS Bla-Bla
Dakar Carrier T/O HMS Ameer CVE
Madagascar Carrier T/O  from HMS Eagle
Rabaul Carrier T/O + Carrier Strike*
*Carrier-Strike has steamed up Convoy speed to suit non-catapult default T/O
Balaton Carrier Scramble T/O

Sorry for the Bump, the Mass scramble comes later.

Have phunn Mates
Wiseman : "Did you speak the exact words?" Ash : "Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah."


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Re: QMBPro and Carrier Ops (Scramble)
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2014, 02:01:25 PM »

many thanks Knoche, will try them ASAP ..  :)
i7-13700K, MSI RTX4090, Kingston 64GB, Asus Z790-P, Crucial SSD 1TB, Kingston SSD 4TB;


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Re: QMBPro and Carrier Ops (Scramble)
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2014, 03:54:12 AM »

concerning the Martlets...did you try the patch that Bravo has released for the F4Fs and the Martlets exploding on mission start on a carrier?
the problem basically lies in the cowlings mod that also changes the wing meshes and these seem to lead to the exploding Wildcats/Martlets;
removing those from the cowlings mod cures the problem...more about this in the thread about the new version Martlets in  the Planes Download area :)


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Re: QMBPro and Carrier Ops (Scramble)
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2015, 11:49:37 AM »

Yes Griffon,

Patch has been incorporated in my Martled 3-D update, but it only works for the MK.II as Bravos Fix clearly states.
The MK.II Patch doesn't fix the MK.I crash prob, you're free to try yourself.
The Problem on the MK.I is a Classfile prob, we deeply discussed that, taking the F4-F3's static Wings didn't worked,
I tried all variations, to me it seems there's a line in the class stating folding abillity, and contradicting to the static wings applied. Taking the folding wing meshes doesn't seem to work, if done right,  as the explosions are to be traced in folding wing start up pattern. Right there they should spawn in static winged pattern, 2 by 2 in line, the Martlet Mod, both CirXs or StefanSGs new one refuses to do so.

In the related Threads I posted an important finding, if you want Mk.I non-crashing,
you can use F4-F-3(Multi1) as the slot for it, that the meshes are OK if you try them there gives the CTD free
CTO Mod DBW behaviour then.
Martlet Mk.I file OK/Class conflict
Martlet Mk.II file OK/class OK
F4-F3 (Multi1) file OK/Class OK

Summa summarum the Martlet Mk.I needs a debugged Classfile to work as intended
45946608BD9B87E8 (Mk.I) 
Code: [Select]
>com/maddox/ils/fm/controls getWing92DA44D8462A4F6C (Mk.II)
Code: [Select]
>com/maddox/ils/fm/controls getWingthere's no difference in Wingfolding behaviour?! correct me if I'm wrong...
Kind Regards
Wiseman : "Did you speak the exact words?" Ash : "Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah."
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