report on wwiiaircraftperformance
max power limited to +18lb? needs near 8min climb to 25kft?now only take me 4mins in QMB from 100m to 7500m.
Thanks for the report ACUMV.
I get the feeling that the ROC is generally a tad better in IL-2 than it was in real life.
Comparing the ROC ingame for e.g. another 18lb stock Spitfire you'll see that the Spitfire XIc for instance has a ROC of more than 5.500 ft/min all the way from ground to 3000m, that's 2000 ft/min more than the Seafire 47 performance chart gives us on military power.
Note that the Spit XIc had nearly the same power to mass ratio like the Seafire 47 (23 hp/lb vs. 22 hp/lb).
Another valid comparison would be the Spitfire Mk. XIV which is in HSFX 6 and underwent extensive FM testing by Aaken for the "expert mode" flight models. It has a similar Griffon engine with the same +18lb charge limit.
This one hammers more than 6.500 ft/min ROC from tree top to 3000m, that's 3000 ft/min more than the Seafire 47 performance chart gives us on military power, nearly double the ROC meaning nearly have the time to altitude.
Again the Spit XIV had nearly the same power to mass ratio like the Seafire 47 (23 hp/lb vs. 22 hp/lb).
Please see charts of Spit IXc and XIV below for comparison:

As you see, if we'd try to reduce the ROC of the Seafire 47 to the values given in document your provided, we'd thereby make it a sitting duck compared to all other Spitfires and Seafires in the game, so for the sake of balance I say we leave it like it is, since this way it seems to fit perfectly.
Best regards - Mike