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Author Topic: Pwned! (aka solved) ~ Doing magic to get sounds to work-Il-2  (Read 7913 times)

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Pwned! (aka solved) ~ Doing magic to get sounds to work-Il-2
« on: March 11, 2013, 07:52:55 AM »

Edit 2:
YEAH! Got the spirit back! Lets hope it works! :D

Edit: I've given up on this... If someone can take the audio files and please please do it for me, that would be great, I've done pratically everything, but still a no-go.

Hello all!

I have the cannon sounds from Jane's WWII fighters, both external and internal. The thing is, I have no idea what to do, how to name, and it's like the first time. I was hoping that some kind soul could help and take part in getting these sounds running. I would like them to be used for the Fw-190 cannons and Me-262 Cannons. (Ps, I couldn't post in the sound board for some reason)


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Re: Converting (doing magic) to get sounds to work in Il-2
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2013, 08:15:03 AM »

Hi fly!
If I do that, then what do I do next?

Edit: Anyone other than fly welcome to help! :3
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Re: Converting (doing magic) to get sounds to work in Il-2
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2013, 11:11:38 PM »

Ghost, have you read any of the sticky guides in this section?
these tutorials explain a lot of the sound basics....
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Re: Converting (doing magic) to get sounds to work in Il-2
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2013, 11:12:58 AM »

So I open the ultrapack sounds .sfs (all) and find the sound I want to replace, I rename it to that ,go to #UP#, then make a samples folder, put em there, nothing, same original sound. Naming and all is perfect as the upsounds.sfs file, any possible ideas?


Edit: I've made my own pack (by comparing and looking at a browning 50 cal mod, sounds like cfs2 shooting, and I have made my own, but cant get it to work, anyone like to download try and fix please?

Thanks in advance!

link: https://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mxu77ske394429m
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Re: Converting (doing magic) to get sounds to work in Il-2
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2013, 11:11:02 PM »

Ghost, i don't have a sound editor installed, so can't check for the correct sound format on this.
i do want to ask that you give us the file folder structure as you have done it.
to me, it sounds wrong....it can't be #UP/Samples/***.wav....
it should be #UP/(NameOfModFolder)/Samples/***.wav
where NameOfModFolder can be whatever you want to call it....
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Re: Converting (doing magic) to get sounds to work in Il-2
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2013, 05:57:25 AM »


I hope this makes it better:

H:\Il-2 Original\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 V4.101 #UP# HD\#UP#\jwwiif\Samples\ cannfirei.wav (eg)


H:\Il-2 Original\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 V4.101 #UP# HD\#UP#\jwwiif\presets\sounds

and I have my preset thingy (followed someones pack)

weapon.MGunMK108s.prs :
mode         relobj pos
type         mixer
infinite     1
EAXMix       0.95
occlusion   -9
occllf       0.25
eaxroom      0.5
obstruction -7
obstrlf      0
numadj   1



env 0 2
infinite     1

env 8
infinite     1

I'll keep experimenting and finding out what's going wrong, downloading and viewing other's packs so I can refer.
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Re: Converting (doing magic) to get sounds to work in Il-2
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2013, 07:57:05 PM »


Try creating a folder named "Files" within your "#UP#" folder and then cut and paste your "jwwiif" folder into this newly created "Files" folder. So, for example, your path will look like the following: "H:\IL-2 Original\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 V4.101 #UP# HD\#UP#\Files\jwwiif\presets\sounds" and "\#UP#\Files\jwwiif\Samples".


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Re: Converting (doing magic) to get sounds to work in Il-2
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2013, 07:22:16 AM »

Still no luck, did everything,  extracted some upsounds.sfs stuff, looked, named and did everything pratically possible D:

I'm using Ultra pack, but do I still need this? :

How come I downloaded a sound for the p51 guns and they worked, same format as mine, but didnt have any effect? Is there a specific wav file attribute here? Bit rate? anything? Size limit??

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Re: Converting (doing magic) to get sounds to work in Il-2
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2013, 12:55:38 PM »

the wav file attributes, bit rate, etc are indeed important, although i don't remember offhand what the correct format is.
have you looked through the Using Mods Tutorials section in Tech Help?
i'm sure there's info there on this subject...
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Re: Converting (doing magic) to get sounds to work in Il-2
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2013, 03:08:38 PM »

Ghost, which version of UP are you using? Are you using the SAS Mod Activator?


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Re: Converting (doing magic) to get sounds to work in Il-2
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2013, 02:47:49 AM »

@Jiver UP 3 RC 4, No not using SAS mod act, doesnt UP already work the same way?

@Malone: I got the sound to work by changing name of someones mod and using my audio  but I got some really loud static weird sound, I almost went deaf, so I'm thining its to do with the bitrate.

YESHH! OUTSIDE SOUNDS WORK! (On the p-51 D:) but the internals dont... Still dickering around with the files ot get it working!
Wont be long! (Hopefully)

Edit 2: So the sounds work as Browning 50s (I dunno what 30 is) but so, the sounds work, but if I hold them, it doesnt loop, but cuts off, What is going wrong here? Also, what are the cannon sounds for the Me-262 and Fw-190 (not 108 Wing cannong, default loadout)  for Ultra Pack and Original?

EDIT 3: I give up, I ******* give up, I tried everything, every possible thing, still a no go. It's exactly like other user sounds mods, except theirs work and mine don't. All files, stuff, bit rate, bla bla bla, still nothing, it does work if I do take someone else's mod, put my wav's there with the same naming, but I don't just get it.

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Re: Given up! ~ Doing magic to get sounds to work-Il-2
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2013, 06:19:57 PM »

@Jiver UP 3 RC 4, No not using SAS mod act, doesnt UP already work the same way?

UP will work without the Mod Activator but the Mod Activator makes it easy to install and remove mods from UP (and other installations).

Regarding the .50 cal sounds, if the sounds stop while the trigger is held down it is most likely because you have the "infinite" variable set to "0" in the preset file. You need to set "infinite" to "1". For example, "infinite 1".

I have been playing around with the sounds in IL-2 (both stock and mod pack versions) for over three years now and it is very complicated! This is not something you are going to learn overnight. The sampling rate for the sounds should be set to 22 KHz by default. You can also use 44.1 KHz. They must be saved as 16-bit wave files. I also suggest you use mono sampling versus stereo sampling.

What are you using for a sound device in your computer?
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