if using hsfx, you can stick with the hsfx buttons for now. Though the sas mod activator is essential for HFSX due the to memory mgmt features, otherwise HSFX will bomb if modded. Basically, for hsfx, you use the "Classic Mod" option for the SAS Mod Act. Though to use this will require a Mod folder created via a jsgme enabling. Best for this is to simply use UV3 for HSFX as it adds a mod folder.
There are some other nugget requirements out there for HSFX and specifically for the korea map which ships with HSFX. HSFX stock is missing a ton of objects required for the Korea map, and thus Boomers UP3 objects packs are required. Luckily those are available on the forum here and there is a sfs option available to set them up in your hsfx install. I piggied off the UV3 rc to mount those sfs packs. Note, this can all be fairly complicated if not familiar with how the washing machine works under the hood of IL2; though I hope to release the Korea DCG campaign with a lengthy readme on how to update HSFX to support the requirements necessary to run the Korea map along with the aircraft (including autoDiffFM), ship, and object additions.
Currently though in the middle of a Med DCG campaign update for HSFX that will be released soon?!