if i understand correctly, you want to edit ntrk's to use as videos between campaign missions?
if so - no, you can't edit an ntrk file as it is. the only way to do so is to use a screen recording utility like Fraps, which will record it as an avi. the avi can then be edited with most video editing software, and so it is possible to post edited, or unedited clips on youtube.
there is nothing that will edit an ntrk in it's native format.
you can try and edit an ntrk by using the record track feature in IL-2, and then to use the pause feature to get the scenes you want. the ntrk does not record the pauses, so the final result will be as one video, changing scenes as per the pauses, if you get my meaning.
in IL-2 there are two types of track recordings -.trk and .ntrk
for ntrk, you need to start recording 'live', in mission.
if you don't do so, you can only replay a trk file, which is notorious for not playing back correctly. you will end up with planes shooting into thin air, crashing into the ground for no reason, and all kinds of crazy stuff - so it's much better to record on the fly, and then work with the resulting ntrk file.
even an ntrk file sometimes doesn't play back properly, but more so than a trk file, which will almost never play back properly.
hope this helps.